===================== Recommended Resources ===================== .. toctree:: example_module Packages We Recommend ===================== * `Pytest `_ -- Python Testing Framework * `Flake8 `_ -- Style Enforcement * `Sphinx `_ -- Automated HTML Documentation * `Ophyd `_ -- EPICS Device Abstractions * `Bluesky `_ -- Generalized Experimental Plans External Tutorials and Guides ============================= * `Git Tutorial `_ -- Thorough Git beginner guide * `Numpy Development Guide `_ -- A development guide from the folks at NumPy * `PEP-8 `_ -- Python Coding Conventions * `Git Flight Rules `_ -- Specific instructions for performing advanced tasks in Git * `Numpydoc Docstring Guide `_ -- Guide to making NumPy style documentation * `Conda `_ -- Getting started guide for using Conda Internal Access =============== If you would like to access this site from the internal SLAC intranet, you need to link to the proxy server in your Firefox profile. Under Settings -> Preferences -> Advanced -> Network -> Connection, enter the proxy information like so: .. image:: _static/proxy.png