ATEF - Automated Test Execution Framework


ATEF is still in beta; features are still in development and bugs may have slipped through. If you have any feedback, we would very much appreciate you leaving an issue in our github repository.


Atef is an initialism that stands for “Automated Test Execution Framework.” Atef is meant to be a framework tailored for automating checkout and diagnostic procedures using the control system. It will provide functionality for automating checkout procedures, and the collection of the results of those checkout procedures. The concept is to provide a way for everyone to build checkout procedures that can be run in the control system easily, and consistently. It is meant to address the dynamic nature of the entire system (the LCLS machine), by providing a way to establish and routinely verify a performance baseline. The project seeks to combine the best practices and features of software testing automation, and our favorite control system automation packages together to form a powerful tool for maintaining our systems.

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