Hutch Setup

hutch-python is meant to be run in the context of a specific hutch. Hutch repos are stored online at, and in our directory tree at /reg/g/pcds/pyps/apps/hutch-python/hutchname.

If your hutch does not have a repository, you’ve found the correct page.

Steps to set up a Hutch

There is a built-in template for starting a new hutch repo. Replacing hutchname with your hutch’s name:

  1. cd /reg/g/pcds/pyps/apps/hutch-python

  2. hutch-python --create hutchname

  3. cd hutchname

  4. git init

  5. git add *

  6. git commit -m "ENH: Add hutchname from template"

  7. git remote add origin

  8. In a browser, navigate to and log in.

  9. Click New to make a new repo, name it hutchname, do not initialize with README, gitignore, or license.

  10. git push origin master

  11. As the hutch operator account, create a file named .web.cfg in the opr’s home area. Follow the specification of get_qs_objs to ensure we can load user objects from the questionnaire. Also include the necessary information for reporting issues to GitHub specified in post_to_github

Adding devices to the database

The default conf.yml file created will point to the main device_config database located in /reg/g/pcds/pyps/apps/hutch-python/device_config. If you would like to make large changes to the database it is best practice to to clone this repository from and make the changes on a non-deployed version. For more information about how to modify the database beyond the short example below see

# Create your client
import happi
client = happi.Client(path='my/clone/device_config/db.json')

# Add your devices
from happi.containers import Slits
my_slits = Slits(name='my_slits', prefix='MY:SLITS:01', beamline='TST')

Updating a Hutch’s Launch Scripts

  1. Pick up the latest environment

  2. In some arbitrary directory, hutch-python --create hutchname

  3. Copy the generated scripts into your hutchname checkout

  4. git checkout -b branchname

  5. git add, git commit, git push, make a PR

  6. Remove your dummy hutchname directory