Running DAQ Scans

Scans can be run using the DAQ to acquire data. Once the plans are defined, and the DAQ is configured, it is passed to the DAQ-configured RunEngine which will correctly run the DAQ with the scan.

Configuring the DAQ

Before any scans can be made, the DAQ must be configured both using normal DAQ EDM screens, and the python DAQ object.


Below is a quick list of what must be done to ensure the scan can work properly:

  • Restart the DAQ and ensure it is opened properly.

  • Select the proper configuration type and select all desired devices.

  • Configure the DAQ from python using the following command:

    In [1]: snd.daq.configure()

Below is a list of the basic arguments that can be passed to change the behavior of the scan:

  • To change the number of events taken at each step in the scan, pass the keyword argument events to the configure method. For example, the following will set the DAQ to take 1000 events at each step:

    In [2]: snd.daq.configure(events=1000)
  • To add a python value to be recorded in the DAQ, pass the keyword argument controls along with a dict that has a mapping from name to obj. For example, the following will create DAQ source named "E2" which will contain the channel cut energy:

    In [3]: snd.daq.configure(controls={"E2" : snd.E2})
  • To record data, pass the keyword argument record along with True. For example, to record the data for this run:

    In [4]: snd.daq.configure(record=True)

Running the Scan

Once the scan has been instantiated and the DAQ has been configured both in the EDM screen and python, the scan can simply be passed into the run engine for execution:

In [5]: RE_daq(plan)

This should cause the daq to begin taking events at every scan step.


Once a plan has been run, it must be redeclared to be run again since the contents have been consumed.