Calibrating Delay Scans
Performing uncalibrated scans using the delay
macromotor results in
positional instability of the beam at the sample. To address this, delay
several methods to characterize and correct the scan.
The functionality described here has not been commissioned, and should be used with caution.
Characterizing Beam Instability
The main way to characterize the current scan instability is to run the
method. The method performs a scan using the inputted scan
parameters, measuring the centroids of the beam at Opal 1. The results are then
saved and graphed for the user to see.
In [1]: snd.delay.centroid_scan(start, stop, step)
To view the centroids again after the scan has been completed, the method
can be used to view the centroids from the most recent
In [2]: snd.delay.view_centroids()
To view the graph displayed after the scan, run the graph_centroids
In [3]: snd.delay.graph_centroids()
The results shown by view_centroids
and graph_centroids
from the recent centroid scan or calibration. Anytime a new centroid
scan is run, the previous scan data is overwritten.
Calibration Operations
In the event centroid_scan
reveals the beam drifts too much throughout the
scan, there is a routine for building a correction table using the
and snd.t1.y1
motors to correct for the x and y centroids
respectively. This correction table is put together using the table generated
from a centroid_scan
along with parameters to find the scaling information
between each of the motor positions and the beam centroids. Together all the
information collected during a calibrate
run, constitutes a specific
High-Level Properties
The delay
macromotor comes with two high level properties pertaining to the
current state of the calibration. has_calibration
indicates that a properly
configured calibration is currently loaded to the motor, simply returning a
The second high level property is use_calibration
which determines whether
a calibration should be used during a move. By default, anytime a calibration is
created or loaded, use_calibration
is set to be True
. However, this is
primarily useful if there is a move where performing a the correction is not
desired. By setting use_calibration
to False
all moves will be done
without corrections
Motor corrections will only be performed on every move
command if
both has_calibration
and use_calibration
are True
Creating a New Calibration
If a new calibration is necessary, the entire calibration routine can be run
using the calibrate
method along with the desired scan parameters.
In [1]: snd.delay.calibrate(start, stop, step)
The calibration routine itself consists of first performing a centroid scan to
measure the current beam drift, and then performing a walk using each of the
calibration motors to find the motor position to centroid scaling. Once,
complete, the motor will automatically start using the new calibration for all
subsequent move
commands. Additionally, all the motors will be returned to
their original positions after the routine has completed.
A confirmation to overwrite the existing calibration will be required
to run calibrate
if the motor already has a valid configuration.
Saving and Loading Calibrations
Calibrations used for the delay
motor are all saved in the
directory. Whenever a calibration
routine has
completed, the calibration is saved into a file named
. To save a calibration more permanently, the
method save_calibration
can be used by passing a either filename or a full
path. Running,
In [1]: snd.delay.save_calibration('my_calibration')
Will save the current calibration as
To load this configuration, the load_calibration
method takes calibration
names, searches the HXRSnD/calibrations
directory, and then applies the
dound calibration. For example,
In [2]: snd.delay.load_calibration('my_calibration')
loads the my_calibration.json
from HXRSnD/calibrations
Running load_calibration
without any inputs automatically loads
Inspecting the Calibration
To view the contents of a calibration, the calibration
property returns a
dictionary with five keys:
calib :
containing the correction table used by the calibration motors.motors : List of
objects that refer to the motors used by the calibration.scan :
containing the results of the centroid scan used to build the correction table.scale : List if values in units of ps/pixel, used to convert between pixel positions and delay position.
start : List of starting positions of the motors used to calculate the scale.
is a read-only property and cannot be used to modify
the live calibration.
Modifying Calibrations
Each of the five calibration values listed above can be modified outright using
the configure
method. This is done by running configure
and passing the
desired change as a keyword argument.
It is not advisable to change the the calibration in ways not listed below.
Correction Table Post-Processing
A simple reason to modify the correction table would be to apply some level of
post processing to the resulting table. For example, to apply a Savitzky-Golay
smoothing filter, first capturet he current correction table in a new dataframe
using the calibration
In [1]: df_calib = snd.delay.calibration['calib']
Then create a new dataframe with the applied filter using some window_length
and polyorder
(see documentation on scipy.signal.savgol_filter
for more
In [2]: df_savgol = df_calib.apply(savgol_filter, args=(window_length, polyorder))
And then configure the motor to use this new correction table,
In [3]: snd.delay.configure(calib=df_savgol)
Whenever the correction table is modified using configure
, the
number of columns must equal the number of motors listed in
Rescaling the Correction Table
In the event that the picosecond per pixel scaling factor may need to be redone,
the method rescale_calibration
will perform the scaling routine and then
update the calibration accordingly.
In [1]: snd.delay.rescale_calibration()