Jet Tracking Shared Memory Application

Information from detectors controlled by the LCLS Daq is output to EPICS PVs through a psana shared memory application.

SC1 Experiments

In the standard CXI configuration for the 1 um SC1 chamber, the following will start a psana shared memory application for the DSC CSPAD detector and output information to epics PVs with the base CXI:SC1:DIFFRACT.

Normally this application will be run for the primary CXI experiment on daq-cxi-mon01 with:

/reg/g/pcds/pyps/apps/hutch-python/cxi/cxi/jet_tracking/ --alias='DscCsPad' --pvbase='CXI:SC1:DIFFRACT'

To check the processing event rate with the Daq running, use the caEventRate on any CXI control room machine:


SC2 Experiments

For the 100 nm SC2 chamber, the primary Daq and daq-cxi-mon01 will generally be used, and the shared memory application can be started as follows:

/reg/g/pcds/pyps/apps/hutch-python/cxi/cxi/jet_tracking/ --alias='DsaCsPad' --pvbase='CXI:SC2:DIFFRACT'

SC3 Experiments

For experiments in the SC3 Serial Sample Chamber (a.k.a., SSC chamber), the secondary Daq will generally be used, and the shared memory application will run on daq-cxi-mon06.

/reg/g/pcds/pyps/apps/hutch-python/cxi/cxi/jet_tracking/ --alias='DsdCsPad' --pvbase='CXI:SC3:DIFFRACT'