
The pcdshub python 3 software stack is being developed with the following design goals:

  • Modules should have a well-defined, restrained scope.

  • Code should be readable, reusable, and sharable.

  • Each piece of data should have a canonical source for all applications.

  • Deployment and testing should be automated.

  • The open source community should be maximally leveraged.

These design goals result in a matrix of Github repositories and python modules that are individually understandable, but together obscure the bigger picture. The goal of this page is to explain at a high level how each application works and what each repository does.

About this Page

This page will explore the applications and modules from pcdshub, as well as some external modules, some of which are developed at SLAC and some which are not.

For each project, this page will explain:

  • The motivation behind the project: what problem is being solved?

  • How the project works at a high level

  • What other projects does this one rely on?

  • What other projects rely on this one?


An application is any python code that runs stand-alone to accomplish a task. These may rely on modules to accomplish their goals. A module is code with an importable API and a means to install itself in a python environment. Many repositories are both applications and modules, providing both a stand-alone script and an API for other applications to leverage.


This section will list our applications and explain the motivations behind them, as well as their dependencies. This includes only repositories that are hosted on pcdshub and have a corresponding online documentation page.

Hutch-specific Repositories


amo, sxr, xpp, xcs, mfx, cxi, and mec

How we use it

We put softlinks like mfx3 in the hutch opr’s path. These link to scripts like mfxpython in the repository that launch a convenient IPython environment for controlling the hutch and automating DAQ data collection. The repository is used to host hutch-specific classes, devices, and configurations that may later be merged into a shared module.


We need dedicated landing areas for hutch-specific and experiment-specific code to satisfy the needs of a constantly shifting environment. This can’t go into a module because the module can’t control which python environment you launch it from.

How it works

A version file e.g. mfxversion chooses a shared conda environment and may set up development package overrides. The mfxpython script enters this environment using hutch-python and a brief conf.yml configuration file. These coordinate the loading of shared services and provide hooks for the hutch-specific code.


These may vary between hutches, but all hutches rely on hutch-python as the launcher and configuration reader. All of these repositories were created from the hutch-python --create reponame template function.




How we use it

Scripts like mfxpython call on the hutch-python application with a hutch-specific conf.yaml file, as well as hutch-specific mfx/beamline.py and experiments folder.


The load process for each hutch is essentially identical. This should be handled in shared code with simple hooks for hutch-specific and experiment-specific additions. This was chosen instead of supporting IPython profiles or massive beamline.py files because these can get messy and hard to manage. This avoids the procedure of going around to each deployment to update boilerplate code.

How it works

A shared startup script is seeded with the contents of the conf.yml file. Shared operations are done the same way and then the beamline.py and experiments user code is invoked.


This is used by the Hutch-specific Repositories to

Relies on most of our modules:

  • Uses happi to load from the beamline device database and from the questionnaire experiment devices

  • Uses pcdsdevices for the device definitions and to set up position presets

  • Uses pcdsdaq to control the data acquisition system

  • Uses lightpath as a command-line interface for checking if anything is blocking the beam path

  • Uses elog to post to the experiment logbooks




How we use it

An environment with lightpath installed has a lightpath script that will open the GUI. This can be use to visually inspect the light path. This doubles as an application and a module, providing an importable interface that is used in other places, such as hutch-python.


Help the user find which objects are in the beam, and which are not. This can be used to clear the beamline and to check if you expect beam to be incident on your imager. Unlike older software with the same purpose, this is extremely configurable and simple to keep up-to-date using happi.

How it works

This uses the z-position and beamline metadata from happi to sort devices by position along the beamline. It relies on the in/out interface from pcdsdevices to determine whether each device is in the beam.


  • Uses pydm for the GUI

  • Uses happi for device loading

  • Uses modules like pcdsdevices to define device classes




How we use it

This is the Parameter Manager, pmgr for short. This isn’t installed in an environment (yet), but is used as a stand-alone GUI for keeping track of device parameters. It was used in the old python CLI for the same purpose, but this has yet to be ported.


We need a place to keep track of and restore parameters to ease the deployment and redeployment of motors for changing experimental needs.

How it works

pmgr provides a qt gui with a mysql server backend that stores all of the parameters.


pmgr does not depend on our other modules, but it does depend on our patched version of pyqt to make the tables work.




How we use it

This is used to track our shared environment changes, and to anticipate and catch integration problems with bringing all of our packages together.


We need to do this in a structured, semi-automated way to minimize upkeep and catch mistakes.

How it works

packages.txt is updated to add new packages. stage_release.sh is run to build a new environment from the packages list and push it to Github. We make a PR and discuss. Along with the PR, an automated test is run to check that all of our pcdshub modules pass their individual automated tests with the full environment (this also runs daily). If we like the new environment, we merge the PR and make a tag. We use apply_release.sh to put the new tag into the shared environment.


This only depends on Python and Conda




How we use it

This is used to build non-pcdshub Conda packages and make sure they get into the pcds-tag channel.


It is unsustainable and unstable to rely on special channels for our conda environments. By limiting to the defaults, conda-forge, and our own pcds-tag, it becomes easy to specify our environment setups.

How it works

Recipes are placed into the repository and build.py builds and uploads them.


This only depends on Python and Conda


This section will list our modules and explain the motivations behind them, as well as their dependencies. This includes only repositories that are hosted on pcdshub with a corresponding online documentation page.




How we use it

To automatically generate screens from ophyd devices.


We need new pydm screens and these are great starting points. The ophyd device structure is very useful for organizing device properties into logical groups.

How it works

Groups device components by kind (e.g. hinted, normal, configuration) and sort into tabs, etc. accordingly. Provides tools on every generated screen.


pydm and ophyd




How we use it

To define ophyd device classes that correspond to LCLS PCDS EPICS IOCs. This is also where we put additional logic and CLI niceties for interactive sessions with these devices.


There must be a common place where these classes are defined so that all of our Python applications share PV structures and logic for each identical device class or instance.

How it works

Follows the ophyd rules to record which PVs are associated with each device class.


  • ophyd

  • pyepics, currently as the EPICS communication layer




How we use it

To define an ophyd device class for the MFX transfocator.


This is more complicated than a standard device and was being developed parallel to the pcdsdevices repository.

How it works

Defines the transfocator’s PVs and some helper methods for putting lens combinations in and out.






How we use it

To define ophyd device classes and bluesky scanning routines for the XCS split and delay.


This is more complicated than a standard device and was being developed parallel to the pcdsdevices repository.

How it works

Defines the SND’s PVs and some helper methods for running calibration scans and collecting data.


pcdsdevices, pswalker




How we use it

To define lcls-specific bluesky utilities and to build out the bluesky automation framework.


We want a cleaner version of the legacy pswalker module to have shared code between different applications that need to do similar things e.g. filter on beam drops, maximize signals, etc.

How it works

Defines an API for various plans, preprocessors, etc.






How we use it

To define a bluesky-compatible control layer for the LCLS1 data acquisition system (DAQ).


We need to be able to control the DAQ. Doing it in a bluesky-compatible way means we can include the DAQ in any bluesky plan.

How it works

Wraps the pydaq.Control object and adheres closely to the bluesky interface. You can configure the daq, do runs, and include it as a readable device in scans.


bluesky, ophyd, pydaq




How we use it

To store all of our device metadata in device_config and reload these devices to create identical objects in every application.


There must be a canonical way to load devices, consistent across all of our python applications.

How it works

Defines container objects that represent real objects. These can be stored in json or mongodb and be used to generate real objects.


No pcdshub dependencies




How we use it

As a central file store of all the happi device configuration information.


We need to store the information somewhere until we have a mongodb set up.

How it works

Stores a single json file.


No pcdshub dependencies




How we use it

To post information to the experiment elog.


We need python bindings for this so that we can update the elog programmatically or from the command line.

How it works

Through https requests


No pcdshub dependencies

External Modules

This section will list some of the more site-specific external modules we use and explain the motivations behind the modules and why we use them.




How we use it

As the scanning, process flow, and automation platform.


If we do scanning in a structured way, we can write cleaner code that can continue to be maintained, and we can take advantage of anything that the bluesky community has written as far as visualizing data and controlling process flow.

How it works

A central RunEngine object processes user-created generators called plans. These can do things like move motors, read values, etc., but they can also be inspected to see what the plan would do if we ran it, and they can be given arbitrary adaptive logic since this is Python.


No pcdshub dependencies




How we use it

As the device control abstraction layer.


We need to have a sane convention for defining devices, and a consistent way to define motion interfaces, callbacks, etc.

How it works

Device subclasses register Component attributes so that every instance knows which PVs to connect to.


No pcdshub dependencies




How we use it

To create/display pyqt-based EPICS control screens.


We need to be able to include Python logic in our screens for advanced applications, but we also need a way for new users to create screens quickly using a drag-and-drop interface.

How it works

This leverages qt designer as a drag-and-drop interface. A rich Python API is provided for interacting with EPICS PVs and archiver data, among other things. Widgets are provided that correspond to the legacy EDM widgets.


No pcdshub dependencies