Getting Started =============== General Usage +++++++++++++ pytmc has various capabilities that can be accessed using the top-level ``pytmc`` program: 1. Generating EPICS database files (.db) based on a Beckhoff TwinCAT ``.tmc`` file (``pytmc db``) 2. Introspecting ``.tmc`` files for their symbols and data types ( ``pytmc debug`` and ``pytmc types``) 3. Generating full EPICS IOCs based on a provided template (``pytmc iocboot`` and ``pytmc stcmd``) 4. Parsing, introspecting, and summarizing full TwinCAT projects (``pytmc summary``) 5. Outlining any TwinCAT XML file (``pytmc xmltranslate``) In order for pytmc to work properly, the TwinCAT project and its libraries require annotation. The resulting IOC depends upon EPICS ADS driver. This driver is provided by the `European Spallation Source `_ and is hosted on their `bitbucket page `_. Marking the TwinCAT project +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Marking the TwinCAT project determines how the EPICS record will be generated. The marking process uses custom attribute pragmas to designate variables for pytmc to process. The pragma should be applied just above the declaration of the variable you wish to mark. You can read more about the TwinCAT pragma system `here `_. Best practices for SLAC projects are documented in the `PCDS confluence page `_. Having issues with multiline pragmas and related things? See the `PCDS flight rules `_. Python Usage ++++++++++++ Once installed pytmc and its components can be imported into a python program or shell like any normal python package. Consult the source code documentation for specifics. Full IOC Creation +++++++++++++++++ PCDS has recently focused its efforts on `ads-deploy `_, for seamless development and deployment of IOCs directly from the TwinCAT IDE. Behind the scenes, ads-deploy takes care of the following steps using a docker container: .. code-block:: sh $ git clone /path/to/ads-ioc $ pytmc iocboot /path/to/plc.tsproj /path/to/ads-ioc/iocBoot/templates/ # Creates directories: ioc-plc-name1, ioc-plc-name2, ... # Creates Makefiles: ioc-plc-name/Makefile $ cd ioc-plc-name $ vim Makefile # Customize - if necessary - to add more db files or change pytmc stcmd options $ make # Shells out to pytmc stcmd; # Creates st.cmd, ioc-plc-name.db, envPaths $ ./st.cmd # Runs IOC