Filter Selection Information

Best Configuration Algorithm

The generic “best configuration” algorithm get_best_config does its best to choose the right filters to target the requested transmission.

It does this by enumerating all possible filter configurations, doing a matrix multiplication to determine the transmission values for all of those configurations. Figuring out the best configuration is then a matter of matching the closest transmission value (i.e., argmin(abs(all_transmissions - target_transmission)). This makes no assumptions as to how the filters are laid out and is as generic as possible.

Now, if all filters of every material type are used with the above algorithm, some silicon filters may be inserted prior to diamond filters. This is not good, as the silicon filters may be damaged. We need a new algorithm to get around that.

Material-prioritizing Algorithm

This section uses AT2L0 as an example, with 8 diamond filters and 10 silicon filters. The desire here is to have all diamond filters inserted prior to inserting any silicon filters.

The algorithm behind get_best_config_with_material_priority breaks up the problem into 2 calls to the original algorithm, once per material.

For AT2L0, with a desired transmission of t_des,

  1. Apply the original algorithm _only_ for the diamond filters. Due to how the filters are physically configured, the diamond filters can get very close to the required transmission up to a certain value (t_all_diamond_inserted to 1.0). This works because the filter thicknesses were carefully specified: each filter is 2x the previous filter in thickness.

    As an aside, this means you could treat each filter as binary value, spanning the range t_all_diamond_inserted <= t_des <= 1.0 in 2^num_filters = 2^8 steps (i.e., (1 - t_all_diamond_inserted) / 2 ** 8, which is < 0.4% per step)

    Let’s call the result from step (1) a transmission value of transmission_1.

  2. Now,

    1. For desired transmission within t_all_diamond_inserted <= t_des <= 1.0, the algorithm will have pretty much gotten the requested transmission as close as needed.

    2. For desired transmission 0 <= t_des < t_all_diamond_inserted, the algorithm will have already selected all diamond filters. There’s more left to do in the second round as we can still get closer to t_des, when calculating which silicon filters to insert.

    In either case, if all diamond filters have not been marked for insertion at this point, the silicon filters will remain out.

  3. As normalized transmission values are multiplicative (50% of 50% transmission would be 25%), our second round tries to find the right configuration of silicon filters for t_des / transmission_1.

    1. For values in the range noted by (2a), t_des / transmission1 will be close to 1 - so no filters will be inserted.

    2. For values in the range noted by (2b), t_des / transmission1 will likely be something actionable.

  4. Assembling the two configurations from (1) and (3) gives a final configuration, specifying all filter states.

Ladder-style algorithm

The “Best Configuration Algorithm” noted above was designed for AT2L0 and does not support ladder-style attenuators such as AT1K3, AT1K4, AT1K2, or AT2K2. “Ladder” in this context means that each attenuator blade may have more than one filter to choose from, depending on its actuator position.

The generic ladder algorithm get_ladder_config does its best to choose the right filters to target the requested transmission by exhaustively listing all possible filter configurations and their resulting transmission values.

Similar to the original algorithm’s usage of argmin, we use argsort determine the 2 closest possible configurations. The primary difference here is slightly more complicated array manipulation.

An additional benefit of the argsort method is that we can pick the top two configurations, and easily figure out which is the floor or ceiling configuration.

ESD reference

According to the ESD (LCLSII-3.5-ES-0267-R1, page 8):

Diamond filters shall always be used when the silicon filters are in the beam
(pre-filtering) per Figure 4.

Page 11:

Diamond filter(s) shall always be used to provide attenuation
(pre-filtering) when silicon filters are used. The required attenuation and
diamond filter thicknesses for pre-filtering the silicon filters in the 6 –
25 keV range is shown in Figure 4.

Page 15:

When operating in the Cu-HXR mode, the MPS shall ensure that:
* The appropriate diamond pre-filter is inserted prior to inserting a silicon filter,