================== Suite and Displays ================== Typhos has two major widgets that users are expected to interface with. The first is the :class:`.TyphosDeviceDisplay`, which shows device information, and :class:`.TyphosSuite` which contains multiple devices and tools. This is the barebones implementation. No signals, or widgets are automatically populated in the screen. In fact, by default most of the widgets will be hidden. You can then manually add signals to the panels and plots, the panels will only show themselves when you add PVs. TyphosSuite =========== .. autoclass:: typhos.TyphosSuite :members: TyphosDeviceDisplay =================== .. autoclass:: typhos.TyphosDeviceDisplay :members: Standardized Display Title ========================== .. autoclass:: typhos.display.TyphosDisplayTitle :members: .. autoclass:: typhos.display.TyphosDisplaySwitcher :members: .. autoclass:: typhos.display.TyphosTitleLabel :members: Tool buttons ------------ .. autoclass:: typhos.display.TyphosToolButton :members: .. autoclass:: typhos.display.TyphosDisplaySwitcherButton :members: .. autoclass:: typhos.display.TyphosDisplayConfigButton :members: Utilities ========= .. autofunction:: typhos.display.normalize_display_type .. autofunction:: typhos.display.hide_empty .. autofunction:: typhos.display.show_empty .. autofunction:: typhos.display.toggle_display