Command Line UtilitiesΒΆ

This module defines the typhos command line utility

usage: [-h] [--happi-cfg HAPPI_CFG] [--fake-device] [--version]
                   [--verbose] [--dark] [--stylesheet STYLESHEET]
                   [--profile-modules [PROFILE_MODULES [PROFILE_MODULES ...]]]
                   [--profile-output PROFILE_OUTPUT]
                   [--benchmark [BENCHMARK [BENCHMARK ...]]]
                   [devices [devices ...]]

Create a TyphosSuite for device/s stored in a Happi Database

positional arguments:
  devices               Device names to load in the TyphosSuite or class name
                        with parameters on the format:

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --happi-cfg HAPPI_CFG
                        Location of happi configuration file if not specified
                        by $HAPPI_CFG environment variable
  --fake-device         Create fake devices with no EPICS connections. This
                        does not yet work for happi devices. An example
                        invocation: typhos --fake-device ophyd.EpicsMotor[]
  --version, -V         Current version and location of Typhos installation.
  --verbose, -v         Show the debug logging stream
  --dark                Use the QDarkStyleSheet shipped with Typhos
  --stylesheet STYLESHEET
                        Additional stylesheet options
  --profile-modules [PROFILE_MODULES [PROFILE_MODULES ...]]
                        Submodules to profile during the execution. If no
                        specific modules are specified, profiles all
                        submodules of typhos. Turns on line profiling.
  --profile-output PROFILE_OUTPUT
                        Filename to output the profile results to. If omitted,
                        prints results to stdout. Turns on line profiling.
  --benchmark [BENCHMARK [BENCHMARK ...]]
                        Runs the specified benchmarking tests instead of
                        launching a screen. If no specific tests are
                        specified, runs all of them. Turns on line profiling.