Source code for typhos.suite

The high-level Typhos Suite, which bundles tools and panels.
from __future__ import annotations

import logging
import os
import textwrap
from functools import partial

import ophyd
import pcdsutils.qt
from ophyd import Device
from pyqtgraph import parametertree
from pyqtgraph.parametertree import parameterTypes as ptypes
from qtpy import QtCore, QtGui, QtWidgets

from . import utils, widgets
from .display import DisplayTypes, ScrollOptions, TyphosDeviceDisplay
from .tools import TyphosConsole, TyphosLogDisplay, TyphosTimePlot
from .utils import TyphosBase, clean_attr, clean_name, flatten_tree, save_suite

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# Use non-None sentinel value since None means no tools
DEFAULT_TOOLS = object()

class SidebarParameter(parametertree.Parameter):
    Parameter to hold information for the sidebar.

    itemClass : type
        The class to be used for the parameter.

    sigOpen : QtCore.Signal
        A signal indicating an open request for the parameter.

    sigHide : QtCore.Signal
        A signal indicating an hide request for the parameter.

    sigEmbed : QtCore.Signal
        A signal indicating an embed request for the parameter.

    itemClass = widgets.TyphosSidebarItem
    sigOpen = QtCore.Signal(object)
    sigHide = QtCore.Signal(object)
    sigEmbed = QtCore.Signal(object)

    def __init__(self, devices=None, embeddable=None, **opts):
        self.embeddable = embeddable
        self.devices = list(devices) if devices else []

    def has_device(self, device: ophyd.Device):
        Determine if this parameter contains the given device.

        device : ophyd.OphydObj or str
            The device or its name.

        has_device : bool
        return any(
            (device in self.devices,
             device in getattr(self.value(), 'devices', []),
    == device,
             isinstance(device, str) and == clean_attr(device),

class LazySubdisplay(QtWidgets.QWidget):
    A lazy subdisplay which only is instantiated when shown in the suite.

    Supports devices by way of ``add_device``.

    widget_cls : QtWidgets.QWidget subclass
        The widget class to instantiate.

    widget_cls: type[QtWidgets.QWidget]
    widget: QtWidgets.QWidget | None
    devices: list[ophyd.Device]

    def __init__(self, widget_cls: type[QtWidgets.QWidget]):
        self.widget_cls = widget_cls
        self.widget = None

        self.devices = []

    def add_device(self, device: ophyd.Device):
        """Hook for adding a device from the suite."""

    def hideEvent(self, event: QtGui.QHideEvent):
        """Hook for when the tool is hidden."""
        return super().hideEvent(event)

    def _create_widget(self):
        """Make the widget no longer lazy."""
        if self.widget is not None:

        self.widget = self.widget_cls()

        if hasattr(self.widget, "add_device"):
            for device in self.devices:

    def showEvent(self, event: QtGui.QShowEvent):
        """Hook for when the tool is shown in the suite."""
        if self.widget is None:

        return super().showEvent(event)

    def minimumSizeHint(self):
        """Minimum size hint forwarder from the embedded widget."""
        if self.widget is not None:
            return self.widget.minimumSizeHint()
        return self.sizeHint()

    def sizeHint(self):
        """Size hint forwarder from the embedded widget."""
        if self.widget is not None:
            return self.widget.sizeHint()
        return QtCore.QSize(100, 100)

class DeviceParameter(SidebarParameter):
    Parameter to hold information on an Ophyd Device.

    device : ophyd.Device
        The device instance.

    subdevices : bool, optional
        Include child parameters for sub devices of ``device``.

        Passed to super().__init__.

    itemClass = widgets.TyphosSidebarItem

    def __init__(self, device, subdevices=True, **opts):
        # Set options for parameter
        opts['name'] = clean_name(device, strip_parent=device.root)
        self.device = device
        opts['expanded'] = False
        # Grab children from the given device
        children = list()
        if subdevices:
            for child in device._sub_devices:
                subdevice = getattr(device, child)
                if subdevice._sub_devices:
                    # If that device has children, make sure they are also
                    # displayed further in the tree
                        DeviceParameter(subdevice, subdevices=False)
                    # Otherwise just make a regular parameter out of it
                    child_name = clean_name(subdevice,
                    param = SidebarParameter(

        opts['children'] = children
            value=partial(TyphosDeviceDisplay.from_device, device),
            embeddable=opts.pop('embeddable', True),

[docs]class TyphosSuite(TyphosBase): """ This suite combines tools and devices into a single widget. A :class:`ParameterTree` is contained in a :class:`~pcdsutils.qt.QPopBar` which shows tools and the hierarchy of a device along with options to show or hide them. Parameters ---------- parent : QWidget, optional pin : bool, optional Pin the parameter tree on startup. content_layout : QLayout, optional Sets the layout for when we have multiple subdisplays open in the suite. This will have a horizontal layout by default but can be changed as needed for the use case. default_display_type : DisplayType, optional DisplayType enum that determines the type of display to open when we add a device to the suite. Defaults to DisplayType.detailed_screen. scroll_option : ScrollOptions, optional ScrollOptions enum that determines the behavior of scrollbars in the suite. Default is, which enables scrollbars for detailed and engineering screens but not for embedded displays. Attributes ---------- default_tools : dict The default tools to use in the suite. In the form of ``{'tool_name': ToolClass}``. """ DEFAULT_TITLE = 'Typhos Suite' DEFAULT_TITLE_DEVICE = 'Typhos Suite - {}' default_tools = {'Log': TyphosLogDisplay, 'StripTool': TyphosTimePlot, 'Console': TyphosConsole} def __init__( self, parent: QtWidgets.QWidget | None = None, *, pin: bool = False, content_layout: QtWidgets.QLayout | None = None, default_display_type: DisplayTypes = DisplayTypes.detailed_screen, scroll_option: ScrollOptions =, ): super().__init__(parent=parent) self._update_title() self._tree = parametertree.ParameterTree(parent=self, showHeader=False) self._tree.setAlternatingRowColors(False) self._save_action = ptypes.ActionParameter(name='Save Suite') self._tree.addParameters(self._save_action) self._save_action.sigActivated.connect( self._bar = pcdsutils.qt.QPopBar(title='Suite', parent=self, widget=self._tree, pin=pin) self._tree.setSizePolicy( QtWidgets.QSizePolicy.MinimumExpanding, QtWidgets.QSizePolicy.MinimumExpanding ) self._tree.setMinimumSize(250, 150) self._content_frame = QtWidgets.QFrame(self) self._content_frame.setObjectName("content") self._content_frame.setFrameShape(QtWidgets.QFrame.StyledPanel) # Content frame layout: configurable # Defaults to [content] [content] [content] ... in one line if content_layout is None: content_layout = QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout() self._content_frame.setLayout(content_layout) # Horizontal box layout: [PopBar] [Content Frame] layout = QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout() self.setLayout(layout) layout.setSpacing(1) layout.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) layout.addWidget(self._bar) layout.addWidget(self._content_frame) self.embedded_dock = None self.default_display_type = default_display_type self.scroll_option = scroll_option
[docs] def add_subdisplay(self, name, display, category): """ Add an arbitrary widget to the tree of available widgets and tools. Parameters ---------- name : str Name to be displayed in the tree display : QWidget QWidget to show in the dock when expanded. category : str The top level group to place the controls under in the tree. If the category does not exist, a new one will be made """ logger.debug("Adding widget %r with %r to %r ...", name, display, category) # Create our parameter parameter = SidebarParameter(value=display, name=name) self._add_to_sidebar(parameter, category)
[docs] def add_lazy_subdisplay( self, name: str, display_class: type[QtWidgets.QWidget], category: str ): """ Add an arbitrary widget to the tree of available widgets and tools. Parameters ---------- name : str Name to be displayed in the tree display_class : subclass of QWidget QWidget class to show in the dock when expanded. category : str The top level group to place the controls under in the tree. If the category does not exist, a new one will be made """ logger.debug("Adding lazy subdisplay %r with %r to %r ...", name, display_class, category) # Create our parameter parameter = SidebarParameter( value=LazySubdisplay(display_class), name=name ) self._add_to_sidebar(parameter, category)
@property def top_level_groups(self): """ Get top-level groups. This is of the form: .. code:: python {'name': QGroupParameterItem} """ root = self._tree.invisibleRootItem() return {root.child(idx) root.child(idx).param for idx in range(root.childCount())}
[docs] def add_tool(self, name: str, tool: type[QtWidgets.QWidget]): """ Add a widget to the toolbar. Shortcut for: .. code:: python suite.add_subdisplay(name, tool, category='Tools') Parameters ---------- name : str Name of tool to be displayed in sidebar tool : QWidget Widget to be added to ``.ui.subdisplay`` """ self.add_lazy_subdisplay(name, tool, "Tools")
[docs] def get_subdisplay(self, display): """ Get a subdisplay by name or contained device. Parameters ---------- display :str or Device Name of screen or device Returns ------- widget : QWidget Widget that is a member of the :attr:`.ui.subdisplay` Example ------- .. code:: python suite.get_subdisplay(my_device.x) suite.get_subdisplay('My Tool') """ if not isinstance(display, SidebarParameter): for group in self.top_level_groups.values(): tree = flatten_tree(group) matches = [ param for param in tree if hasattr(param, 'has_device') and param.has_device(display) ] if matches: display = matches[0] break if not isinstance(display, SidebarParameter): # If we got here we can't find the subdisplay raise ValueError(f"Unable to find subdisplay {display}") subdisplay = display.value() if isinstance(subdisplay, partial): subdisplay = subdisplay() display.setValue(subdisplay) return subdisplay
[docs] @QtCore.Slot(str) @QtCore.Slot(object) def show_subdisplay(self, widget): """ Open a display in the dock system. Parameters ---------- widget: QWidget, SidebarParameter or str If given a ``SidebarParameter`` from the tree, the widget will be shown and the sidebar item update. Otherwise, the information is passed to :meth:`.get_subdisplay` """ # Grab true widget if not isinstance(widget, QtWidgets.QWidget): widget = self.get_subdisplay(widget) # Setup the dock dock = widgets.SubDisplay(self) # Set sidebar properly self._show_sidebar(widget, dock) # Add the widget to the dock logger.debug("Showing widget %r ...", widget) if hasattr(widget, 'scroll_option'): widget.scroll_option = self.scroll_option if hasattr(widget, "display_type"): # Setting a display_type implicitly loads the best template. widget.display_type = self.default_display_type dock.setWidget(widget) # Add to layout content_layout = self._content_frame.layout() content_layout.addWidget(dock) if isinstance(content_layout, QtWidgets.QGridLayout): self._content_frame.layout().setAlignment( dock, QtCore.Qt.AlignHCenter ) self._content_frame.layout().setAlignment( dock, QtCore.Qt.AlignTop )
[docs] @QtCore.Slot(str) @QtCore.Slot(object) def embed_subdisplay(self, widget): """Embed a display in the dock system.""" # Grab the relevant display if not self.embedded_dock: self.embedded_dock = widgets.SubDisplay() self.embedded_dock.setWidget(QtWidgets.QWidget()) self.embedded_dock.widget().setLayout(QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout()) self.embedded_dock.widget().layout().addStretch(1) self._content_frame.layout().addWidget(self.embedded_dock) if not isinstance(widget, QtWidgets.QWidget): widget = self.get_subdisplay(widget) # Set sidebar properly self._show_sidebar(widget, self.embedded_dock) # Set our widget to be embedded widget.setVisible(True) widget.display_type = widget.embedded_screen widget_count = self.embedded_dock.widget().layout().count() self.embedded_dock.widget().layout().insertWidget(widget_count - 1, widget)
[docs] @QtCore.Slot() @QtCore.Slot(object) def hide_subdisplay(self, widget): """ Hide a visible subdisplay. Parameters ---------- widget: SidebarParameter or Subdisplay If you give a SidebarParameter, we will find the corresponding widget and hide it. If the widget provided to us is inside a DockWidget we will close that, otherwise the widget is just hidden. """ if not isinstance(widget, QtWidgets.QWidget): widget = self.get_subdisplay(widget) sidebar = self._get_sidebar(widget) if sidebar: for item in sidebar.items: item._mark_hidden() else: logger.warning("Unable to find sidebar item for %r", widget) # Make sure the actual widget is hidden logger.debug("Hiding widget %r ...", widget) if isinstance(widget.parent(), QtWidgets.QDockWidget): logger.debug("Closing dock ...") widget.parent().close() # Hide the full dock if this is the last widget elif (self.embedded_dock and widget.parent() == self.embedded_dock.widget()): logger.debug("Removing %r from embedded widget layout ...", widget) self.embedded_dock.widget().layout().removeWidget(widget) widget.hide() if self.embedded_dock.widget().layout().count() == 1: logger.debug("Closing embedded layout ...") self.embedded_dock.close() self.embedded_dock = None else: widget.hide()
[docs] @QtCore.Slot() def hide_subdisplays(self): """Hide all open displays.""" # Grab children from devices for group in self.top_level_groups.values(): for param in flatten_tree(group)[1:]: self.hide_subdisplay(param)
@property def tools(self): """Tools loaded into the suite.""" if 'Tools' in self.top_level_groups: return [param.value() for param in self.top_level_groups['Tools'].childs] return [] def _update_title(self, device=None): """ Update the window title, optionally with a device. Parameters ---------- device : ophyd.Device, optional Device to indicate in the title. """ title_fmt = (self.DEFAULT_TITLE if device is None else self.DEFAULT_TITLE_DEVICE) self.setWindowTitle(title_fmt.format(self=self, device=device))
[docs] def add_device(self, device, children=True, category='Devices'): """ Add a device to the suite. Parameters ---------- device: ophyd.Device The device to add. children: bool, optional Also add any ``subdevices`` of this device to the suite as well. category: str, optional Category of device. By default, all devices will just be added to the "Devices" group """ super().add_device(device) self._update_title(device) # Create DeviceParameter and add to top level category dev_param = DeviceParameter(device, subdevices=children) self._add_to_sidebar(dev_param, category) # Grab children for child in flatten_tree(dev_param)[1:]: self._add_to_sidebar(child) # Add a device to all the tool displays for tool in try: tool.add_device(device) except Exception: logger.exception("Unable to add %s to tool %s",, type(tool))
[docs] @classmethod def from_device( cls, device: Device, parent: QtWidgets.QWidget | None = None, tools: dict[str, type] | None | DEFAULT_TOOLS = DEFAULT_TOOLS, pin: bool = False, content_layout: QtWidgets.QLayout | None = None, default_display_type: DisplayTypes = DisplayTypes.detailed_screen, scroll_option: ScrollOptions =, show_displays: bool = True, **kwargs, ) -> TyphosSuite: """ Create a new :class:`TyphosSuite` from an :class:`ophyd.Device`. Parameters ---------- device : ophyd.Device The device to use. children : bool, optional Choice to include child Device components parent : QWidget tools : dict, optional Tools to load for the object. ``dict`` should be name, class pairs. By default these will be ``.default_tools``, but ``None`` can be passed to avoid tool loading completely. pin : bool, optional Pin the parameter tree on startup. content_layout : QLayout, optional Sets the layout for when we have multiple subdisplays open in the suite. This will have a horizontal layout by default but can be changed as needed for the use case. default_display_type : DisplayTypes, optional DisplayTypes enum that determines the type of display to open when we add a device to the suite. Defaults to DisplayTypes.detailed_screen. scroll_option : ScrollOptions, optional ScrollOptions enum that determines the behavior of scrollbars in the suite. Default is, which enables scrollbars for detailed and engineering screens but not for embedded displays. show_displays : bool, optional If True (default), open all the included device displays. If False, do not open any of the displays. **kwargs : Passed to :meth:`TyphosSuite.add_device` """ return cls.from_devices([device], parent=parent, tools=tools, pin=pin, content_layout=content_layout, default_display_type=default_display_type, scroll_option=scroll_option, show_displays=show_displays, **kwargs)
[docs] @classmethod def from_devices( cls, devices: list[Device], parent: QtWidgets.QWidget | None = None, tools: dict[str, type] | None | DEFAULT_TOOLS = DEFAULT_TOOLS, pin: bool = False, content_layout: QtWidgets.QLayout | None = None, default_display_type: DisplayTypes = DisplayTypes.detailed_screen, scroll_option: ScrollOptions =, show_displays: bool = True, **kwargs, ) -> TyphosSuite: """ Create a new TyphosSuite from an iterator of :class:`ophyd.Device` Parameters ---------- device : ophyd.Device children : bool, optional Choice to include child Device components parent : QWidget tools : dict, optional Tools to load for the object. ``dict`` should be name, class pairs. By default these will be ``.default_tools``, but ``None`` can be passed to avoid tool loading completely. pin : bool, optional Pin the parameter tree on startup. content_layout : QLayout, optional Sets the layout for when we have multiple subdisplays open in the suite. This will have a horizontal layout by default but can be changed as needed for the use case. default_display_type : DisplayTypes, optional DisplayTypes enum that determines the type of display to open when we add a device to the suite. Defaults to DisplayTypes.detailed_screen. scroll_option : ScrollOptions, optional ScrollOptions enum that determines the behavior of scrollbars in the suite. Default is, which enables scrollbars for detailed and engineering screens but not for embedded displays. show_displays : bool, optional If True (default), open all the included device displays. If False, do not open any of the displays. **kwargs : Passed to :meth:`TyphosSuite.add_device` """ suite = cls( parent=parent, pin=pin, content_layout=content_layout, default_display_type=default_display_type, scroll_option=scroll_option, ) if tools is not None:"Loading Tools ...") if tools is DEFAULT_TOOLS: logger.debug("Using default TyphosSuite tools ...") tools = cls.default_tools for name, tool in tools.items(): try: suite.add_tool(name, tool) except Exception: logger.exception("Unable to load %s", type(tool))"Adding devices ...") for device in devices: try: suite.add_device(device, **kwargs) if show_displays: suite.show_subdisplay(device) except Exception: logger.exception("Unable to add %r to TyphosSuite", return suite
[docs] def save(self): """ Save suite settings to a file using :meth:`typhos.utils.save_suite`. A ``QFileDialog`` will be used to query the user for the desired location of the created Python file The template will be of the form: .. code:: """ # Note: the above docstring is appended below logger.debug("Requesting file location for saved TyphosSuite") root_dir = os.getcwd() filename = QtWidgets.QFileDialog.getSaveFileName( self, 'Save TyphosSuite', root_dir, "Python (*.py)") if filename: try: with open(filename[0], 'w+') as handle: save_suite(self, handle) except Exception as exc: logger.exception("Failed to save TyphosSuite") utils.raise_to_operator(exc) else: logger.debug("No filename chosen")
# Add the template to the docstring save.__doc__ += textwrap.indent('\n' + utils.saved_template, '\t\t') def _get_sidebar(self, widget): items = {} for group in self.top_level_groups.values(): for item in flatten_tree(group): items[item.value()] = item return items.get(widget) def _show_sidebar(self, widget, dock): sidebar = self._get_sidebar(widget) if sidebar: for item in sidebar.items: item._mark_shown() # Make sure we react if the dock is closed outside of our menu self._connect_partial_weakly( dock, dock.closing, self.hide_subdisplay, sidebar ) else: logger.warning("Unable to find sidebar item for %r", widget) def _add_to_sidebar(self, parameter, category=None): """Add an item to the sidebar, connecting necessary signals.""" if category: # Create or grab our category if category in self.top_level_groups: group = self.top_level_groups[category] else: logger.debug("Creating new category %r ...", category) group = ptypes.GroupParameter(name=category) self._tree.addParameters(group) self._tree.sortItems(0, QtCore.Qt.AscendingOrder) logger.debug("Adding %r to category %r ...",, group.addChild(parameter) widget = parameter.value() if isinstance(widget, QtWidgets.QWidget): # Setup window to have a parent widget.setParent(self) widget.setHidden(True) logger.debug("Connecting parameter signals ...") self._connect_partial_weakly( parameter, parameter.sigOpen, self.show_subdisplay, parameter ) self._connect_partial_weakly( parameter, parameter.sigHide, self.hide_subdisplay, parameter ) if parameter.embeddable: self._connect_partial_weakly( parameter, parameter.sigEmbed, self.embed_subdisplay, parameter ) return parameter