Source code for

Typhos Plotting Interface
import logging

from qtpy import QtCore, QtGui
from qtpy.QtCore import Qt, Slot
from qtpy.QtWidgets import (QComboBox, QHBoxLayout, QLabel, QPushButton,
from timechart.displays.main_display import TimeChartDisplay
from timechart.utilities.utils import random_color

from .. import utils
from ..cache import get_global_describe_cache

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class TyphosTimePlot(utils.TyphosBase): """ Generalized widget for plotting Ophyd signals. This widget is a ``TimeChartDisplay`` wrapped with some convenient functions for adding signals by their attribute name. Parameters ---------- parent : QWidget """
[docs] def __init__(self, parent=None): super().__init__(parent=parent) # Setup layout self.setLayout(QVBoxLayout()) self.layout().setContentsMargins(2, 2, 2, 2) self._model = QtGui.QStandardItemModel() self._proxy_model = QtCore.QSortFilterProxyModel() self._proxy_model.setSourceModel(self._model) self._available_signals = {} self.signal_combo = QComboBox() self.signal_combo.setModel(self._proxy_model) self.signal_combo_label = QLabel('Available Signals: ') self.signal_create = QPushButton('Connect') self.signal_combo_layout = QHBoxLayout() self.signal_combo_layout.addWidget(self.signal_combo_label, 0) self.signal_combo_layout.addWidget(self.signal_combo, 1) self.signal_combo_layout.addWidget(self.signal_create, 0) self.signal_create.clicked.connect(self.creation_requested) self.layout().addLayout(self.signal_combo_layout) # Add timechart self.timechart = TimeChartDisplay(show_pv_add_panel=False) self.layout().addWidget(self.timechart) cache = get_global_describe_cache() cache.new_description.connect(self._new_description, Qt.QueuedConnection)
@property def channel_to_curve(self): """ A dictionary of channel_name to curve. """ return dict(self.timechart.channel_map) def add_available_signal(self, signal, name): """ Add an Ophyd signal to the list of available channels. If the Signal is not an EPICS Signal object you are responsible for registering this yourself, if not already done. Parameters ---------- signal : ophyd.Signal name : str Alias for signal to display in QComboBox. Raises ------ ValueError If a signal of the same name already is available. """ if name in self._available_signals: raise ValueError('Signal already available') channel = utils.channel_from_signal(signal) self._available_signals[name] = (signal, channel) item = QtGui.QStandardItem(name) item.setData(channel, Qt.UserRole) self._model.appendRow(item) self._model.sort(0) def add_curve(self, channel, name=None, color=None, **kwargs): """ Add a curve to the plot. Parameters ---------- channel : str PyDMChannel address. name : str, optional Name of TimePlotCurveItem. If None is given, the ``channel`` is used. color : QColor, optional Color to display line in plot. If None is given, a QColor will be chosen randomly. **kwargs Passed to :meth:`timechart.add_y_channel`. """ name = name or channel # Create a random color if None is supplied if not color: color = random_color() logger.debug("Adding %s to plot ...", channel) self.timechart.add_y_channel(pv_name=channel, curve_name=name, color=color, **kwargs) @Slot() def remove_curve(self, name): """ Remove a curve from the plot. Parameters ---------- name : str Name of the curve to remove. This should match the name given during the call of :meth:`.add_curve`. """ logger.debug("Removing %s from TyphosTimePlot ...", name) self.timechart.remove_curve(name) @Slot() def creation_requested(self): """ Reaction to ``create_button`` press. Observes the state of the selection widgets and makes the appropriate call to :meth:`.add_curve`. """ # Find requested channel name = self.signal_combo.currentText() idx = self.signal_combo.currentIndex() channel = self.signal_combo.itemData(idx) # Add to the plot self.add_curve(channel, name=name) @Slot(object, dict) def _new_description(self, signal, desc): name = f'{}.{signal.dotted_name}' if 'dtype' not in desc: # Marks an error in retrieving the description logger.debug("Ignoring signal without description %s", name) return # Only include scalars if desc['dtype'] not in ('integer', 'number'): logger.debug("Ignoring non-scalar signal %s", name) return # Add to list of available signal try: self.add_available_signal(signal, name) except ValueError: # Signal already added return def add_device(self, device): """Add a device and it's component signals to the plot.""" super().add_device(device) cache = get_global_describe_cache() for signal in utils.get_all_signals_from_device(device, include_lazy=False): desc = cache.get(signal) if desc is not None: self._new_description(signal, desc)