======= Widgets ======= Typhos uses a few custom widgets to create a clean and concise user interface. While most users should not be interacting with these directly, there may be a need if a user opts to create their display by hand instead of automatically generating one. Determining widget types ======================== If you would just like a widget for an ``ophyd.Signal``, there is a function available: .. autofunction:: typhos.widgets.create_signal_widget .. autoclass:: typhos.widgets.SignalWidgetInfo :members: .. autofunction:: typhos.widgets.widget_type_from_description .. autofunction:: typhos.widgets.determine_widget_type Panels ====== One of the major design principles of Typhos is that users should be able to see what they need and hide one they don't. Thefore, many of the widget implementations are placed in "Panels" these consist of QPushButton header that hides and shows the contents. Each variation in Typhos is documented below. Basic Signal Panels ------------------- .. autoclass:: typhos.panel.SignalPanel :members: .. autoclass:: typhos.TyphosSignalPanel :members: Composite Signal Panels ----------------------- .. autoclass:: typhos.panel.CompositeSignalPanel :members: .. autoclass:: typhos.TyphosCompositeSignalPanel :members: TyphosPositionerWidget ====================== .. autoclass:: typhos.TyphosPositionerWidget :members: Functions and Methods ===================== .. autoclass:: typhos.func.FunctionPanel :members: .. autoclass:: typhos.TyphosMethodButton :members: Miscellaneous ============= .. autoclass:: typhos.widgets.ClickableBitIndicator :members: .. autoclass:: typhos.widgets.ImageDialogButton :members: .. autoclass:: typhos.widgets.SignalDialogButton :members: .. autoclass:: typhos.widgets.SubDisplay :members: .. autoclass:: typhos.widgets.TyphosArrayTable :members: .. autoclass:: typhos.widgets.TyphosByteIndicator :members: .. autoclass:: typhos.widgets.TyphosByteSetpoint :members: .. autoclass:: typhos.widgets.TyphosComboBox :members: .. autoclass:: typhos.widgets.TyphosCommandButton :members: .. autoclass:: typhos.widgets.TyphosCommandEnumButton :members: .. autoclass:: typhos.widgets.TyphosLabel :members: .. autoclass:: typhos.widgets.TyphosLineEdit :members: .. autoclass:: typhos.widgets.TyphosScalarRange :members: .. autoclass:: typhos.widgets.TyphosSidebarItem :members: .. autoclass:: typhos.tweakable.TyphosTweakable :members: .. autoclass:: typhos.textedit.TyphosTextEdit :members: .. autoclass:: typhos.widgets.WaveformDialogButton :members: Designer ======== .. autoclass:: typhos.widgets.TyphosDesignerMixin :members: