Source code for typhos.panel

Layouts and container widgets that show a "panel" of signals.

    * :class:`SignalPanel`
    * :class:`CompositeSignalPanel`

Container widgets:
    * :class:`TyphosSignalPanel`
    * :class:`TyphosCompositeSignalPanel`

from __future__ import annotations

import functools
import logging
from functools import partial
from typing import Dict, List, Optional

import ophyd
from ophyd import Kind
from ophyd.signal import EpicsSignal, EpicsSignalRO
from qtpy import QtCore, QtGui, QtWidgets
from qtpy.QtCore import Q_ENUMS, Property

from . import display, utils
from .cache import get_global_widget_type_cache
from .utils import TyphosBase
from .widgets import SignalWidgetInfo, TyphosDesignerMixin

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class SignalOrder:
    Options for sorting signals.

    This can be used as a base class for subclasses of
    :class:`QtWidgets.QWidget`, allowing this to be used in
    :class:`QtCore.Property` and therefore in the Qt designer.

    byKind = 0
    byName = 1

DEFAULT_KIND_ORDER = (Kind.hinted, Kind.normal, Kind.config, Kind.omitted)

def _get_component_sorter(signal_order, *, kind_order=None):
    Get a sorting function for :class:`ophyd.device.ComponentWalk` entries.

    signal_order : SignalOrder
        Order for signals.

    kind_order : list, optional
        Order for Kinds, defaulting to ``DEFAULT_KIND_ORDER``.
    kind_order = kind_order or DEFAULT_KIND_ORDER

    def kind_sorter(walk):
        """Sort by kind."""
        return (kind_order.index(walk.item.kind), walk.dotted_name)

    def name_sorter(walk):
        """Sort by name."""
        return walk.dotted_name

    return {SignalOrder.byKind: kind_sorter,
            SignalOrder.byName: name_sorter
            }.get(signal_order, name_sorter)

class SignalPanelRowLabel(QtWidgets.QLabel):
    A row label for a signal panel.

    This subclass does not contain any special functionality currently, but
    remains a special class for ease of stylesheet configuration and label

[docs] class SignalPanel(QtWidgets.QGridLayout): """ Basic panel layout for :class:`ophyd.Signal` and other ophyd objects. This panel does not support hierarchical display of signals; rather, it flattens a device hierarchy showing all signals in the same area. Parameters ---------- signals : OrderedDict, optional Signals to include in the panel. Parent of panel. Attributes ---------- loading_complete : QtCore.Signal A signal indicating that loading of the panel has completed. NUM_COLS : int The number of columns in the layout. COL_LABEL : int The column number for the row label. COL_READBACK : int The column number for the readback widget. COL_SETPOINT : int The column number for the setpoint widget. See also -------- :class:`CompositeSignalPanel`. """ NUM_COLS = 3 COL_LABEL = 0 COL_READBACK = 1 COL_SETPOINT = 2 loading_complete = QtCore.Signal(list) def __init__(self, signals=None): super().__init__() self.signal_name_to_info = {} self._row_count = 0 self._devices = [] # Make sure setpoint/readback share space evenly self.setColumnStretch(self.COL_READBACK, 1) self.setColumnStretch(self.COL_SETPOINT, 1) get_global_widget_type_cache().widgets_determined.connect( self._got_signal_widget_info, QtCore.Qt.QueuedConnection) if signals: for name, sig in signals.items(): self.add_signal(sig, name) @property def signals(self): """ Get all instantiated signals, omitting components. Returns ------- signals : dict With the form: ``{signal_name: signal}``. """ return { name: info['signal'] for name, info in list(self.signal_name_to_info.items()) if info['signal'] is not None } @property def visible_signals(self): """ Get all signals visible according to filters, omitting components. Returns ------- signals : dict With the form: ``{signal_name: signal}``. """ return { name: info['signal'] for name, info in list(self.signal_name_to_info.items()) if info['signal'] is not None and info['visible'] } visible_elements = visible_signals @property def row_count(self): """Get the number of filled-in rows.""" return self._row_count @QtCore.Slot(object, SignalWidgetInfo) def _got_signal_widget_info(self, obj, info): """ Slot: Received information on how to make widgets for ``obj``. Parameters ---------- obj : ophyd.OphydObj The object that corresponds to the given widget information. info : SignalWidgetInfo The associated widget information. """ try: sig_info = self.signal_name_to_info[] except KeyError: return if sig_info['widget_info'] is not None: # Only add widgets on the first callback # TODO: debug why multiple calls happen return sig_info['widget_info'] = info row = sig_info['row'] # Remove the 'loading...' animation if it's there item = self.itemAtPosition(row, self.COL_SETPOINT) if item: val_widget = item.widget() if isinstance(val_widget, utils.TyphosLoading): self.removeItem(item) val_widget.deleteLater() widgets = [None] if info.read_cls is not None: widgets.append(info.read_cls(**info.read_kwargs)) if info.write_cls is not None: widgets.append(info.write_cls(**info.write_kwargs)) self._update_row(row, widgets) visible = sig_info['visible'] for widget in widgets[1:]: widget.setVisible(visible) signal_pairs = list(self.signal_name_to_info.items()) if all(sig_info['widget_info'] is not None for _, sig_info in signal_pairs): self.loading_complete.emit([name for name, _ in signal_pairs]) def _create_row_label(self, attr, dotted_name, tooltip): """Create a row label (i.e., the one used to display the name).""" label_text = self.label_text_from_attribute(attr, dotted_name) label = SignalPanelRowLabel(label_text) label.setObjectName(dotted_name) if tooltip is not None: label.setToolTip(tooltip) return label
[docs] def add_signal(self, signal, name=None, *, tooltip=None): """ Add a signal to the panel. The type of widget control that is drawn is dependent on :attr:`_read_pv`, and :attr:`_write_pv`. attributes. If widget information for the given signal is available in the global cache, the widgets will be created immediately. Otherwise, a row will be reserved and widgets created upon signal connection and background description callback. Parameters ---------- signal : EpicsSignal, EpicsSignalRO Signal to create a widget. name : str, optional The name to be used for the row label. This defaults to ````. Returns ------- row : int Row number that the signal information was added to in the `SignalPanel.layout()``. """ name = name or if in self.signal_name_to_info: return logger.debug("Adding signal %s (%s)",, name) label = self._create_row_label(name, name, tooltip) loading = utils.TyphosLoading( timeout_message='Connection timed out.' ) loading_tooltip = ['Connecting to:'] + list({ getattr(signal, attr) for attr in ('setpoint_pvname', 'pvname') if hasattr(signal, attr) }) loading.setToolTip('\n'.join(loading_tooltip)) row = self.add_row(label, loading) self.signal_name_to_info[] = dict( row=row, signal=signal, component=None, widget_info=None, create_signal=None, visible=True, ) self._connect_signal(signal) return row
def _connect_signal(self, signal): """Instantiate widgets for the given signal using the global cache.""" monitor = get_global_widget_type_cache() item = monitor.get(signal) if item is not None: self._got_signal_widget_info(signal, item) # else: - this will happen during a callback def _add_component(self, device, attr, dotted_name, component): """ Add a component which may be instantiated later. Parameters ---------- device : ophyd.Device The parent device for the component. attr : str The attribute name of the component. dotted_name : str The full dotted name of the component. component : ophyd.Component The component itself. """ if dotted_name in self.signal_name_to_info: return logger.debug("Adding component %s", dotted_name) label = self._create_row_label( attr, dotted_name, tooltip=component.doc or '') row = self.add_row(label, None) # utils.TyphosLoading()) self.signal_name_to_info[dotted_name] = dict( row=row, signal=None, widget_info=None, component=component, create_signal=functools.partial(getattr, device, dotted_name), visible=False, ) return row
[docs] def label_text_from_attribute(self, attr, dotted_name): """ Get label text for a given attribute. For a basic signal panel, use the full dotted name. This is because this panel flattens the device hierarchy, and using only the last attribute name may lead to ambiguity or name clashes. """ return dotted_name
[docs] def add_row(self, *widgets, **kwargs): """ Add ``widgets`` to the next row. If fewer than ``NUM_COLS`` widgets are given, the last widget will be adjusted automatically to span the remaining columns. Parameters ---------- *widgets List of :class:`QtWidgets.QWidget`. Returns ------- row : int The row number. """ row = self._row_count self._row_count += 1 if widgets: self._update_row(row, widgets, **kwargs) return row
def _update_row(self, row, widgets, **kwargs): """ Update ``row`` to contain ``widgets``. If fewer widgets than ``NUM_COLS`` are given, the last widget will be adjusted automatically to span the remaining columns. Parameters ---------- row : int The row number. widgets : list of :class:`QtWidgets.QWidget` If ``None`` is found, the cell will be skipped. **kwargs Passed into ``addWidget``. """ for col, item in enumerate(widgets[:-1]): if item is not None: self.addWidget(item, row, col, **kwargs) last_widget = widgets[-1] if last_widget is not None: # Column-span the last widget over the remaining columns: last_column = len(widgets) - 1 colspan = self.NUM_COLS - last_column self.addWidget(last_widget, row, last_column, 1, colspan, **kwargs)
[docs] def add_pv(self, read_pv, name, write_pv=None): """ Add a row, given PV names. Parameters --------- read_pv : str The readback PV name. name : str Name of signal to display. write_pv : str, optional The setpoint PV name. Returns ------- row : int Row number that the signal information was added to in the `SignalPanel.layout()``. """ logger.debug("Adding PV %s", name) # Configure optional write PV settings if write_pv: sig = EpicsSignal(read_pv, name=name, write_pv=write_pv) else: sig = EpicsSignalRO(read_pv, name=name) return self.add_signal(sig, name)
@staticmethod def _apply_name_filter(filter_by, *items): """ Apply the name filter. Parameters ---------- filter_by : str The name filter text. *items A list of strings to check for matches with. """ if not filter_by: return True return any(filter_by in item for item in items) def _should_show( self, kind: ophyd.Kind, name: str, *, kinds: list[ophyd.Kind], name_filter: Optional[str] = None, show_names: Optional[list[str]] = None, omit_names: Optional[list[str]] = None, ): """ Based on the filter settings, indicate if ``signal`` should be shown. Parameters ---------- kind : ophyd.Kind The kind of the signal. name : str The name of the signal. kinds : list of :class:`ophyd.Kind` Kinds that should be shown. name_filter : str, optional Name filter text - show only signals that match this string. This is applied after the "omit_names" and "show_names" filters. show_names : list of str, optinoal Names to explicitly show. Applied before the omit filter. omit_names : list of str, optinoal Names to explicitly omit. Returns ------- should_show : bool """ kind = Kind(kind) if kind not in kinds: return False for show_name in (show_names or []): if show_name and show_name in name: return True for omit_name in (omit_names or []): if omit_name and omit_name in name: return False return self._apply_name_filter(name_filter, name) def _set_visible(self, signal_name, visible): """ Change the visibility of ``signal_name`` to ``visible``. Parameters ---------- signal_name : str The signal name to change the visibility of. visible : bool Change the visibility of the row to this. """ info = self.signal_name_to_info[signal_name] info['visible'] = bool(visible) row = info['row'] for col in range(self.NUM_COLS): item = self.itemAtPosition(row, col) if item: widget = item.widget() if widget is not None: widget.setVisible(visible) if not visible or info['signal'] is not None: return # Create the signal if we're displaying it for the first time. create_func = info['create_signal'] if create_func is None: # A signal we shouldn't try to create again return try: info['signal'] = signal = create_func() except Exception as ex: logger.exception('Failed to create signal %s: %s', signal_name, ex) # Stop it from another attempt info['create_signal'] = None return logger.debug('Instantiating a not-yet-created signal from a ' 'component: %s', if != signal_name: # This is, for better or worse, possible; does not support the case # of changing the name after __init__ self.signal_name_to_info[] = info del self.signal_name_to_info[signal_name] self._connect_signal(signal)
[docs] def filter_signals( self, kinds: list[ophyd.Kind], name_filter: Optional[str] = None, show_names: Optional[list[str]] = None, omit_names: Optional[list[str]] = None, ): """ Filter signals based on the given kinds. Parameters ---------- kinds : list of :class:`ophyd.Kind` List of kinds to show. name_filter : str, optional Name filter text - show only signals that match this string. This is applied after the "omit_names" and "show_names" filters. show_names : list of str, optinoal Names to explicitly show. Applied before the omit filter. omit_names : list of str, optinoal Names to explicitly omit. """ for name, info in list(self.signal_name_to_info.items()): item = info['signal'] or info['component'] visible = self._should_show( item.kind, name, kinds=kinds, name_filter=name_filter, omit_names=omit_names, show_names=show_names, ) self._set_visible(name, visible) self.update()
# utils.dump_grid_layout(self) @property def _filter_settings(self): """Get the current filter settings from the owner widget.""" return self.parent().filter_settings
[docs] def add_device(self, device): """Typhos hook for adding a new device.""" self.clear() self._devices.append(device) sorter = _get_component_sorter(self.parent().sortBy) non_devices = [ walk for walk in sorted(device.walk_components(), key=sorter) if not issubclass(walk.item.cls, ophyd.Device) ] for walk in non_devices: self._maybe_add_signal(device, walk.item.attr, walk.dotted_name, walk.item) self.setSizeConstraint(self.SetMinimumSize)
def _maybe_add_signal(self, device, attr, dotted_name, component): """ With the filter settings, add either the signal or a component stub. If the component does not match the current filter settings, a stub will be added that can be filled in later should the filter settings change. If the component matches the current filter settings, it will be instantiated and widgets will be added when the signal is connected. Parameters ---------- device : ophyd.Device The device owner. attr : str The signal's attribute name. dotted_name : str The signal's dotted name. component : ophyd.Component The component class used to generate the instance. """ if component.lazy: kind = component.kind else: try: signal = getattr(device, dotted_name) except Exception as ex: logger.warning('Failed to get signal %r from device %s: %s', dotted_name,, ex, exc_info=True) return kind = signal.kind if self._should_show(kind, dotted_name, **self._filter_settings): try: with ophyd.do_not_wait_for_lazy_connection(device): signal = getattr(device, dotted_name) except Exception as ex: logger.warning('Failed to get signal %r from device %s: %s', dotted_name,, ex, exc_info=True) return return self.add_signal(signal, name=attr, tooltip=component.doc) return self._add_component(device, attr, dotted_name, component)
[docs] def clear(self): """Clear the SignalPanel.""" logger.debug("Clearing layout %r ...", self) utils.clear_layout(self) self._devices.clear() self.signal_name_to_info.clear()
[docs] class TyphosSignalPanel(TyphosBase, TyphosDesignerMixin, SignalOrder): """ Panel of Signals for a given device, using :class:`SignalPanel`. Parameters ---------- parent : QtWidgets.QWidget, optional The parent widget. init_channel : str, optional The PyDM channel with which to initialize the widget. """ Q_ENUMS(SignalOrder) # Necessary for display in Designer SignalOrder = SignalOrder # For convenience _kinds: Dict[str, Kind] # From top of page to bottom kind_order = (Kind.hinted, Kind.normal, Kind.config, Kind.omitted) _panel_class = SignalPanel updated = QtCore.Signal() _kind_to_property = { 'hinted': 'showHints', 'normal': 'showNormal', 'config': 'showConfig', 'omitted': 'showOmitted', } def __init__(self, parent=None, init_channel=None): super().__init__(parent=parent) # Create a SignalPanel layout to be modified later self._panel_layout = self._panel_class() self.setLayout(self._panel_layout) self._name_filter = '' self._show_names = [] self._omit_names = [] # Add default Kind values self._kinds = { "normal": True, "hinted": True, "config": True, "omitted": True, } self._signal_order = SignalOrder.byKind self.setContextMenuPolicy(QtCore.Qt.DefaultContextMenu) self.contextMenuEvent = self.open_context_menu self.nested_panel = False def _get_kind(self, kind: str) -> ophyd.Kind: """Property getter for show[kind].""" return self._kinds[kind] def _set_kind(self, value: bool, kind: str) -> None: """Property setter for show[kind] = value.""" # If we have a new value store it if value != self._kinds[kind]: # Store it internally self._kinds[kind] = value # Remodify the layout for the new Kind self._update_panel() @property def filter_settings(self): """Get the filter settings dictionary.""" return dict( name_filter=self.nameFilter, omit_names=self.omitNames, show_names=self.showNames, kinds=self.show_kinds, ) def _update_panel(self): """Apply filters and emit the update signal.""" self._panel_layout.filter_signals(**self.filter_settings) self.updated.emit() @property def show_kinds(self) -> List[Kind]: """Get a list of the :class:`ophyd.Kind` that should be shown.""" return [Kind[kind] for kind, show in self._kinds.items() if show] # Kind Configuration pyqtProperty showHints = Property(bool, partial(_get_kind, kind='hinted'), partial(_set_kind, kind='hinted'), doc='Show ophyd.Kind.hinted signals') showNormal = Property(bool, partial(_get_kind, kind='normal'), partial(_set_kind, kind='normal'), doc='Show ophyd.Kind.normal signals') showConfig = Property(bool, partial(_get_kind, kind='config'), partial(_set_kind, kind='config'), doc='Show ophyd.Kind.config signals') showOmitted = Property(bool, partial(_get_kind, kind='omitted'), partial(_set_kind, kind='omitted'), doc='Show ophyd.Kind.omitted signals') @Property(str) def nameFilter(self) -> str: """Get or set the current name filter.""" return self._name_filter @nameFilter.setter def nameFilter(self, name_filter: str): if name_filter != self._name_filter: self._name_filter = name_filter.strip() self._update_panel() @Property("QStringList") def omitNames(self) -> list[str]: """Get or set the list of names to omit.""" return self._omit_names @omitNames.setter def omitNames(self, omit_names: Optional[list[str]]) -> None: if omit_names != self._omit_names: self._omit_names = list(omit_names or []) self._update_panel() @Property("QStringList") def showNames(self) -> list[str]: """Get or set the list of names to omit.""" return self._show_names @showNames.setter def showNames(self, show_names: Optional[list[str]]) -> None: if show_names != self._show_names: self._show_names = list(show_names or []) self._update_panel() @Property(SignalOrder) def sortBy(self): """Get or set the order that the signals will be placed in layout.""" return self._signal_order @sortBy.setter def sortBy(self, value): if value != self._signal_order: self._signal_order = value self._update_panel()
[docs] def add_device(self, device): """Typhos hook for adding a new device.""" self.devices.clear() self.nested_panel = False super().add_device(device) # Configure the layout for the new device self._panel_layout.add_device(device) self._update_panel() parent = self.parent() while parent is not None: if isinstance(parent, TyphosSignalPanel): self.nested_panel = True break parent = parent.parent()
[docs] def set_device_display(self, display): """Typhos hook for when the TyphosDeviceDisplay is associated.""" self.display = display
[docs] def generate_context_menu(self): """Generate a context menu for this TyphosSignalPanel.""" menu = QtWidgets.QMenu(parent=self) menu.addSection('Kinds') for kind, property_name in self._kind_to_property.items(): def selected(new_value, *, name=property_name): setattr(self, name, new_value) action = menu.addAction('Show &' + kind) action.setCheckable(True) action.setChecked(getattr(self, property_name)) action.triggered.connect(selected) return menu
[docs] def open_context_menu(self, ev): """ Open a context menu when the Default Context Menu is requested. Parameters ---------- ev : QEvent """ menu = self.generate_context_menu() menu.exec_(self.mapToGlobal(ev.pos()))
def maybe_fix_parent_size(self): if self.nested_panel: # force this widget's containers to give it enough space! self.parent().setMinimumHeight(self.parent().minimumSizeHint().height())
[docs] def resizeEvent(self, event: QtGui.QResizeEvent): """ Fix the parent container's size whenever our size changes. This also runs when we add or filter rows. """ self.maybe_fix_parent_size() return super().resizeEvent(event)
[docs] def setVisible(self, visible: bool): """ Fix the parent container's size whenever we switch visibility. This also runs when we toggle a row visibility using the title and when all signal rows get filtered all at once. """ rval = super().setVisible(visible) self.maybe_fix_parent_size() return rval
[docs] class CompositeSignalPanel(SignalPanel): """ Composite panel layout for :class:`ophyd.Signal` and other ophyd objects. Contrasted to :class:`SignalPanel`, this class retains the hierarchy built into an :class:`ophyd.Device` hierarchy. Individual signals mix in with sub-device displays, which may or may not have custom screens. Attributes ---------- loading_complete : QtCore.Signal A signal indicating that loading of the panel has completed. NUM_COLS : int The number of columns in the layout. COL_LABEL : int The column number for the row label. COL_READBACK : int The column number for the readback widget. COL_SETPOINT : int The column number for the setpoint widget. """ _qt_designer_ = { "group": "Typhos Widgets", "is_container": False, } def __init__(self): super().__init__(signals=None) self._containers = {}
[docs] def label_text_from_attribute(self, attr, dotted_name): """Get label text for a given attribute.""" # For a hierarchical signal panel, use only the attribute name. return attr
[docs] def add_sub_device(self, device, name): """ Add a sub-device to the next row. Parameters ---------- device : ophyd.Device The device to add. name : str The name/label to go with the device. """ logger.debug('%s adding sub-device: %s (%s)', self.__class__.__name__,, device.__class__.__name__) container = display.TyphosDeviceDisplay( scrollable=False, nested=True, ) self._containers[name] = container self.add_row(container) container.add_device(device)
[docs] def add_device(self, device): """Typhos hook for adding a new device.""" # TODO: note that this does not call super # super().add_device(device) self._devices.append(device) logger.debug('%s signals from device: %s', self.__class__.__name__, for attr, component in utils._get_top_level_components(type(device)): dotted_name = f'{}.{attr}' if issubclass(component.cls, ophyd.Device): sub_device = getattr(device, attr) self.add_sub_device(sub_device, name=dotted_name) else: self._maybe_add_signal(device, attr, attr, component)
@property def visible_elements(self): """Return all visible signals and components.""" sigs = self.visible_signals containers = { name: cont for name, cont in self._containers.items() if cont.isVisible() } sigs.update(containers) return sigs
[docs] class TyphosCompositeSignalPanel(TyphosSignalPanel): """ Hierarchical panel for a device, using :class:`CompositeSignalPanel`. Parameters ---------- parent : QtWidgets.QWidget, optional The parent widget. init_channel : str, optional The PyDM channel with which to initialize the widget. """ _panel_class = CompositeSignalPanel