Dataclasses for describing active checkout procedures. These dataclasses come in normal (edit) and Prepared (run) variants
Edit variants hold data needed to specify the step. Prepared variants hold a reference to their originating edit-step, along with Result objects and a .run() method.
Adding a step requires: - write the edit-variant - add the edit-variant to the AnyProcedure type hint - write the run-variant, along with its ._run() and .from_origin() methods - add the step to PreparedProcedure.from_origin classmethod case statement
Get databroker data from the GlobalRunEngine from the plan specified by |
Get the BlueskyState instance corresponding to |
Run source code in a procedure. |
Step which checks device configuration versus a given timestamp. |
A simple title or descriptive step in the procedure. |
Device configuration for comparison. |
Options for a typhos or PyDM display. |
A step that failed to be prepared for running. |
A step that runs a passive checkout file |
Options for a bluesky plan scan. |
A procedure step comprised of one or more bluesky plans. |
Unified representation for comparisons to Bluesky Plan data |
A Prepared Procedure file. |
Base class for a ProcedureStep that has been prepared to run. |
File comprised of several Procedure steps |
A group of procedure steps (or nested groups). |
A basic step in an atef procedure. |
A procedure step which a opens a PyDM display. |
A step that sets one or more values and checks one or more values after |
A destination for a value. |
A procedure step that replaces items an existing checkout |
A procedure step which opens one or more typhos displays. |