
Helpers for walking dataclasses.

If relying on Prepared dataclass walk methods (walk_groups, walk_comparisons), note that if a configuration fails to prepare, they will be skipped


get_prepared_step(prepared_file, origin)

Gather all PreparedProcedureStep dataclasses the correspond to the original ProcedureStep.

get_relevant_configs_comps(prepared_file, ...)

Gather all the PreparedConfiguration or PreparedComparison dataclasses that correspond to the original comparison or config.

walk_config_file(config[, level])

Yields each config and comparison and its depth Performs a recursive depth-first search

walk_procedure_file(config[, level])

Yields each ProcedureStep / Comparison and its depth Performs a recursive depth-first search


Yield ProedureSteps in step, depth-first.