Source code for nabs.optimize

Support for generic optimization routines through ``bluesky``.
import inspect
import logging
import math

import bluesky.plan_stubs as bps
import bluesky.preprocessors as bpp
from scipy.constants import golden_ratio

from nabs.plan_stubs import measure_average
from nabs.streams import AverageStream
from nabs.utils import ErrorSignal, InvertedSignal

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] def minimize(*args, **kwargs): """ Minimize the value of an `ophyd.signal.Signal`. """ # Add plan name into metadata _md = {'plan_name': 'minimize'} _md.update(kwargs.get('md', {})) # Run the plan return (yield from optimize(*args, maximize=False, md=_md, **kwargs))
[docs] def maximize(*args, **kwargs): """ Maximize the value of an `ophyd.signal.Signal`. """ # Add plan name into metadata _md = {'plan_name': 'maximize'} _md.update(kwargs.get('md', {})) # Run the plan return (yield from optimize(*args, maximize=True, **kwargs))
[docs] def walk_to_target(signal, motor, target, tolerance, **kwargs): """ Walk the motor until a signal reaches our target Similar to the `maximize` and `minimize`. There are options for multiple algorithms to dictate the scanning procedure. This may change the interpretation of values passed into this scanning procedure. Parameters ---------- signal : `ophyd.signal.Signal` Signal to maximize motor : `ophyd.ophydobj.OphydObject` Any set-able object tolerance : float, optional The tolerance in which our motor is average : int, optional Choice to take an average of points at each point in the scan limits : tuple, optional Limit the region the scan will search within. If this is not provided, the soft limits of the signal will be used. In this case, these must be configured or the scan will not be allowed to continue. method : str, optional Choice of optimization methods md : dict, optional metadata """ # Add walk information to metadata _md = {'plan_name': 'walk_to_target', 'target': target} _md.update(kwargs.get('md', {})) # Create a signal whose value is the absolute error error = ErrorSignal(signal, target) return (yield from minimize(error, motor, tolerance, **kwargs))
[docs] def optimize(signal, motor, tolerance, average=None, limits=None, method='golden', maximize=False, md=None): """ Generic optimization method This method serves as the switchyard for various methods and requirements necessary to maximize or minimize. """ # Decide the limits if not limits: # Use the motor limits if hasattr(motor, 'limits') and any(motor.limits): logger.warning("No limits provided. " "Using the motor soft limits %r", motor.limits) limits = motor.limits # No provided limits or motor limits. Not allowed. else: raise ValueError("No limits provided or set on motor") # Create an inverted signal if we need to maximize if maximize: raw = signal signal = InvertedSignal(raw) # Create plan metadata _md = {'detectors': [signal], 'motors': [motor], 'plan_args': {'signal': repr(signal), 'motor': repr(motor), 'tolerance': tolerance, 'average': average, 'limits': limits, 'method': method, 'maximize': maximize}, 'plan_name': 'optimize', 'hints': {}} try: dimensions = [(motor.hints['fields'], 'primary')] except (AttributeError, KeyError): pass else: _md['hints'].setdefault('dimensions', dimensions) @bpp.stage_decorator([signal, motor]) @bpp.run_decorator(md=_md) def inner_optimize(): # Golden Section Search if method == 'golden': # Search the system for the minimum ret = yield from golden_section_search(signal, motor, tolerance, average=average, limits=limits) # Go to the minimum of the range logger.debug("Moving motor to center of discovered range ...") yield from, (ret[1] + ret[0])/2) else: raise ValueError("Unknown optimization methodology {!r}" "".format(method)) return (yield from inner_optimize())
# Add the optimization docstring to both minimize and maximize optimize_opts = """ Parameters ---------- signal : `ophyd.signal.Signal` Signal to maximize motor : `ophyd.ophydobj.OphydObject` Any set-able object tolerance : float, optional The tolerance in which our motor is average : int, optional Choice to take an average of points at each point in the scan limits : tuple, optional Limit the region the scan will search within. If this is not provided, the soft limits of the signal will be used. In this case, these must be configured or the scan will not be allowed to continue. method : str, optional Choice of optimization methods md : dict, optional metadata """ maximize.__doc__ += optimize_opts maximize.__signature__ = inspect.signature(optimize) minimize.__doc__ += optimize_opts minimize.__signature__ = inspect.signature(optimize) optimize.__doc__ += optimize_opts