Plans and Data Collection


The nabs module contains general data collection support for the LCLS hutches. This relies entirely on the upstream bluesky support for running scans and on the DAQ group’s infrastructure for collecting and event-matching data at high rates.


The bluesky module features a bluesky.preprocessors.plan_mutator concept, which allows us to intercept messages and modify what execution instructions the run engine receives. In this way, we can “magically” include DAQ support in any existing bluesky plan in a standardized way.

See nabs.preprocessors for the various magic methods we use to hook the DAQ into any bluesky plan.

Selected Plans

See nabs.plans for a full listing of these functions and their API. This section will draw attention to the most useful plans and examples.


Take repeated DAQ runs with no motors.


Scan through a multi-motor (start, end, num) trajectory with DAQ support.


Scan through a multi-motor list trajectory with DAQ support.


Scan a laser delay timing motor with DAQ support.