
Wrappers and decorators to modify existing plans.

This is the LCLS counterpart to bluesky.preprocessors.

This module contains “wrapper” functions that take a plan as an argument and yield messages from a new, modified plan, as well as “decorator” functions that can be applied to bluesky plan functions to return new plan functions with modifications.


daq_during_decorator(plan[, record, ...])

Wrap a plan so that the DAQ runs at the same time.

daq_during_wrapper(plan[, record, use_l3t, ...])

Wrap a plan so that the DAQ runs at the same time.


Decorator to turn a plan function into a standard LCLS DAQ step plan.

daq_step_scan_standard_args([events, ...])

No-op function to hold template parameter info for generated docs.

daq_step_scan_wrapper(plan[, events, ...])

Wrapper to turn an open plan into a standard LCLS DAQ step plan.


Grab the last argument (number of steps), and intepret as - step size if float - number of steps if integer