
A number of spec-like shortcuts are included in most pcdsdevices classes. These shortcuts are geared for the ipython command-line experience, and their API is considered unstable: they may change at any time at a user’s request (though we’ll do our best not to break anything). To this end, unlike the built-in methods, these methods do not return Status objects and are allowed to create arbitrary terminal readback and prints.

All pcdsdevices with a move command and a position property implement the MvInterface.

mv(position[, timeout, wait, log])

Absolute move to a position.


Get the mover's current positon (where motor).

All pcdsdevices that return float values for their position (e.g. motors but not state devices) implement the FltMvInterface:

mvr(delta[, timeout, wait, log])

Relative move from this position.

umv(position[, timeout, log, newline])

Move to a position, wait, and update with a progress bar.

umvr(delta[, timeout, log, newline])

Relative move from this position, wait, and update with a progress bar.