Signal Classes


AggregateSignal is a signal class that allows you to calculate a readback value from multiple other signals.


While this class requires subclassing in order to use, see also the MultiDerivedSignal described below which can be more easily embedded in Device class hierarchies.

AggregateSignal handles configuring callbacks for you such that you will only need to define a single calculation function in order to use it.

In your subclass, you should define a method such as:

def _calc_readback(self):
    """The calculation method you should implement."""
    # Access `._signals` here to calculate your value.
    return 10.0

The _signals attribute includes access to all signals you have defined in the attribute list. You should use this dictionary in order to calculate the aggregated value.

Why not just use self.parent.cpt.get()?

  • The AggregateSignal handles caching of values from callbacks. It will only call your calculation method once everything is ready.

  • Your signal should perform better and faster. Network connections and EPICS Channel Access calls will not be necessary when using the provided cache.


The following example defines a new Signal class called MySummingSignal which will sum its sibling component values “a” “b” and “c”. This assumes it’s used in a Device hierarchy with those components defined appropriately.

class MySummingSignal(AggregateSignal):
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        for attr_name in ["a", "b", "c"]:

    def _calc_readback(self):
        return sum(sig.value for sig in self._signals.values())

class MyDevice(ophyd.Device):
    a = Cpt(EpicsSignalRO, "A")
    b = Cpt(EpicsSignalRO, "B")
    c = Cpt(EpicsSignalRO, "C")
    summer = Cpt(MySummingSignal)
    # summer.get() is a.get() + b.get() + c.get()


AvgSignal is a signal that calculates the rolling average of another signal.

It uses ophyd subscriptions to populate a list of values of length average.


Acquire up to 10 data points from raw_signal, perform the arithmetic mean, and show its value in averaged:

class MyDevice(ophyd.Device):
    raw_signal = Cpt(EpicsSignalRO, "OTHER:SIGNAL")
    averaged = Cpt(AvgSignal, signal="raw_signal", averages=10)

For this setting, after 10 data points, the first data point will be overwritten.


PVStateSignal is a signal class that implements the PVStatePositioner logic. It’s part of that class hierarchy, and you should not have to use it yourself.

It uses AggregateSignal in order to match up attributes from the Device and map their values onto state positions. A sample dictionary that is usually in sig._state_logic might be:

  "signal_name": {
                   0: "OUT",
                   1: "IN",
                   2: "Unknown",
                   3: "defer"

For more information, see :clas:`PVStatePositioner`.



Use this signal class if you are using [pytmc]( in your device’s corresponding EPICS IOC.

A PytmcSignal uses information about the pytmc convention to determine which signal class should be used automatically (either PytmcSignalRW and PytmcSignalRO).

  1. A symbol marked as “input” (or “ro”) will have "_RBV" as a PV suffix. This will be mapped onto the PytmcSignalRW signal class.

  2. A symbol marked as “output” (or “rw”) will both a setpoint PV and a readback PV, with "_RBV" as its suffix. This will be mapped onto the PytmcSignalRO signal class.

Usage examples are in the following sections.

PytmcSignal for Outputs

Let’s say you have a pragma as follows:

{attribute 'pytmc' := '
    pv: PREFIX:fValue
    io: output
fValue: LREAL;

If found in a PLC program, this would create two top-level PVs:

  • PREFIX:fValue - a setpoint value the user could caput to change the value of

fValue on the PLC

  • PREFIX:fValue_RBV - a “Read-Back Value” (RBV) that reflects the current value held in fValue on the PLC.

You would use the following component to match this:

class MyDevice(ophyd.Device):
    value = ophyd.Component(
        ":fValue",    # <-- copy in ":fValue" from above
        io="output",  # <-- copy in "output" from above
        doc="Something useful about the 'fValue' signal"

dev = MyDevice("PREFIX", name="dev")

Once instantiated, your device will have a readable and writable PytmcSignalRW instance available from the .value attribute that talks to the PLC fValue symbol.

The corresponding readback PV will be PREFIX:fValue_RBV (which you can check with dev.value.pvname) and the setpoint PV will be PREFIX:fValue (which you can check with dev.value.setpoint_pvname).

PytmcSignal for Inputs

Let’s say you have a pragma as follows:

{attribute 'pytmc' := '
    pv: PREFIX:fValue
    io: input
fValue: LREAL;

If found in a program, this would create a single top-level PVs:

  • PREFIX:fValue - a “read-back value” that reflects the current value held in fValue on the PLC.

You would use the following component to match this:

class MyDevice(ophyd.Device):
    value = ophyd.Component(
        ":fValue",   # <-- copy in ":fValue" from above
        io="input",  # <-- copy in "input" from above
        doc="Something useful about the 'fValue' signal"

dev = MyDevice("PREFIX", name="dev")

Once instantiated, your device will have a read-only PytmcSignalRO instance available from the .value attribute that talks to the PLC fValue symbol. The corresponding PV will be PREFIX:fValue_RBV (which you can check with dev.value.pvname).

MultiDerivedSignal and MultiDerivedSignalRO

MultiDerivedSignal and MultiDerivedSignalRO are signal classes that allow you to calculate a readback value from multiple other signals. Optionally, you can also take a single value from the user and write to multiple other signals.

In short, these classes represent:

  • Multiple source signals may be used to calculate a single MultiDerivedSignal value. The calculation method used here is calculate_on_get in either a keyword argument to the signal or a method in a subclass.

  • A single MultiDerivedSignal value, when set(), may be used to write to those same signals. The calculation method used here is calculate_on_put in either a keyword argument to the signal or a method in a subclass.

A read-only MultiDerivedSignalRO

This read-only example takes three signals from its parent device - “a”, “b”, and “c” - and calculates a single value for them.

from pcdsdevices.type_hints import SignalToValue, OphydDataType

class MdsReadOnlyExample(Device):
    def _on_get(self, mds: MultiDerivedSignal, items: SignalToValue) -> int:
        return sum(value for value in items.values())

    mds = Cpt(
        attrs=["a", "b", "c"],
    a = Cpt(FakeEpicsSignal, "a")
    b = Cpt(FakeEpicsSignal, "b")
    c = Cpt(FakeEpicsSignal, "c")
>>> device.a.get()
>>> device.b.get()
>>> device.c.get()
>>> device.mds.get()

A read-write MultiDerivedSignal

class MdsReadWriteExample(Device):
    def _on_get(self, mds: MultiDerivedSignal, items: SignalToValue) -> int:
        return sum(value for value in items.values())

    def _on_put(self, mds: MultiDerivedSignal, value: OphydDataType) -> SignalToValue:
        to_write = float(value / 3.)
        return {
            self.parent.a: to_write,
            self.parent.b: to_write,
            self.parent.c: to_write,

    mds = Cpt(
        attrs=["a", "b", "c"],
    a = Cpt(FakeEpicsSignal, "a")
    b = Cpt(FakeEpicsSignal, "b")
    c = Cpt(FakeEpicsSignal, "c")
>>> device.a.get()
>>> device.b.get()
>>> device.c.get()
>>> device.mds.get()
>> device.mds.set(24).wait()
>>> device.a.get()
>>> device.b.get()
>>> device.c.get()


UnitConversionDerivedSignal is a derived signal class (i.e., one that sources its information from another existing signal) which allows you to change the units of the source signal into the units of your choice.

UnitConversionDerivedSignal Example

class UcdsExample(Device):
    original = Cpt(
        doc="PV with units of mm"
    converted = Cpt(
        doc="Converted signal with units of 'm'"
>>> device.original.get()
>>> device.converted.get()

Put 0.1m and note that it’s 100mm:

>> device.converted.put(0.1)
>>> device.original.get()

Advanced Signal Types

There are additional signal types which will not be discussed in depth here because their usage is uncommon or advanced. For more details, see the associated source code.

Fake Signal Types

Fake signal classes are used in the test suite. For each of the signal classes here, we provide a “fake” version of them.

Users should mostly be concerned with using make_fake_device on the whole device and should not need to concern themselves with the details of the fake signals directly.


InternalSignal is a signal that is intended to be used internally by a class and not presented to the end-user. Similar to NotImplementedSignal, it is generally an advanced signal type.


Creates a notepad metadata dict for usage by pcdsdevices-notepad.


NotImplementedSignal is primarily a placeholder for when you are creating abstract ophyd device classes with the intent of subclassing and updating them by way of UpdateComponent.

If the above doesn’t make sense to you, you are probably not the target audience of this. Consider this an “advanced” signal type.

SignalEditMD, and EpicsSignalEditMD and EpicsSignalROEditMD

SignalEditMD, and EpicsSignalEditMD and EpicsSignalROEditMD are variants of a signal type that allow you to edit metadata coming from an existing signal. This metadata can include timestamps, units, enum information, and so on.