Source code for solid_attenuator.ioc

Shared IOC source.
from typing import Dict, List, Type

from caproto.server import PVGroup, SubGroup, expand_macros
from caproto.server.autosave import AutosaveHelper
from caproto.server.stats import StatusHelper

[docs]class IOCBase(PVGroup): """ Base for attenuator IOCs. This is extended dynamically with SubGroups in `at2l0.create_ioc` or `sxr.create_ioc`. """ filters: Dict[int, PVGroup] prefix: str # Set by subclass in `create_ioc_class`: motors: Dict[str, List[str]] monitor_pvnames: Dict[str, str] first_filter: int num_filters: int def __init__(self, prefix, **kwargs): self.num_filters = len(self.filter_index_to_attribute) self.first_filter = min(self.filter_index_to_attribute) super().__init__(prefix, **kwargs) self.prefix = prefix self.filters = { idx: getattr(self, attr) for idx, attr in self.filter_index_to_attribute.items() } self.monitor_pvnames = dict( ev=expand_macros(self.macros['ev_pv'], self.macros), pmps_run=expand_macros(self.macros['pmps_run_pv'], self.macros), pmps_tdes=expand_macros(self.macros['pmps_tdes_pv'], self.macros), motors=self.motors, ) autosave_helper = SubGroup(AutosaveHelper) stats_helper = SubGroup(StatusHelper, prefix=':STATS:') @classmethod def create_ioc_class( cls, filters: Dict[int, str], subgroups: Dict[str, SubGroup], motor_prefixes: Dict[int, str], ) -> Type[PVGroup]: """ Helper that creates a new, complete IOC PVGroup class from the base. Parameters ---------- filters : dict Dictionary of filter index to attribute name. Mirrored in ``filter_index_to_attribute`` on the returned class. subgroups : dict Dictionary of subgroups to add, which should include one per filter and also a system subgroup. motor_prefixes : dict Dictionary of motor index to PV prefix. Used to generate the list of get, set, and error PVs for each motor. """ assert 'sys' in subgroups, 'Missing system subgroup' class IOCMain(IOCBase): filter_index_to_attribute = dict(filters) motors = { 'get': [f'{pv}:GET_RBV' for pv in motor_prefixes.values()], 'set': [f'{pv}:SET' for pv in motor_prefixes.values()], 'error': [f'{pv}:ERR_RBV' for pv in motor_prefixes.values()], } locals().update(**subgroups) return IOCMain