Source code for typhos.cache

import fnmatch
import functools
import logging
import os
import pathlib
import re
import time

from qtpy import QtCore

from . import utils
from .widgets import SignalWidgetInfo

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# Global cache state. Do not use these directly, but instead use
# `get_global_describe_cache()` and `get_global_widget_type_cache()` below.

[docs]def get_global_describe_cache(): """Get the _GlobalDescribeCache singleton.""" global _GLOBAL_DESCRIBE_CACHE if _GLOBAL_DESCRIBE_CACHE is None: _GLOBAL_DESCRIBE_CACHE = _GlobalDescribeCache() return _GLOBAL_DESCRIBE_CACHE
[docs]def get_global_widget_type_cache(): """Get the _GlobalWidgetTypeCache singleton.""" global _GLOBAL_WIDGET_TYPE_CACHE if _GLOBAL_WIDGET_TYPE_CACHE is None: _GLOBAL_WIDGET_TYPE_CACHE = _GlobalWidgetTypeCache() return _GLOBAL_WIDGET_TYPE_CACHE
[docs]def get_global_display_path_cache(): """Get the _GlobalDisplayPathCache singleton.""" global _GLOBAL_DISPLAY_PATH_CACHE if _GLOBAL_DISPLAY_PATH_CACHE is None: _GLOBAL_DISPLAY_PATH_CACHE = _GlobalDisplayPathCache() return _GLOBAL_DISPLAY_PATH_CACHE
[docs]class _GlobalDescribeCache(QtCore.QObject): """ Cache of ophyd object descriptions. ``obj.describe()`` is called in a thread from the global QThreadPool, and new results are marked by the Signal ``new_description``. To access a description, call :meth:`.get`. If available, it will be returned immediately. Otherwise, wait for the ``new_description`` Signal. Attributes ---------- connect_thread : :class:`ObjectConnectionMonitorThread` The thread which monitors connection status. cache : dict The cache holding descriptions, keyed on ``obj``. """ new_description = QtCore.Signal(object, dict) def __init__(self): super().__init__() self._in_process = set() self.cache = {} self.connect_thread = utils.ObjectConnectionMonitorThread(parent=self) self.connect_thread.connection_update.connect( self._connection_update, QtCore.Qt.QueuedConnection) self.connect_thread.start()
[docs] def clear(self): """Clear the cache.""" self.connect_thread.clear() self.cache.clear() self._in_process.clear()
def _describe(self, obj): """Retrieve the description of ``obj``.""" try: return obj.describe()[] except Exception: logger.error("Unable to connect to %r during widget creation", return {} def _worker_describe(self, obj): """ This is the worker thread method that gets run in the thread pool. It calls describe, updates the cache, and emits a signal when done. """ try: self.cache[obj] = desc = self._describe(obj) self.new_description.emit(obj, desc) except Exception as ex: logger.exception('Worker describe failed: %s', ex) finally: self._in_process.remove(obj) @QtCore.Slot(object, bool, dict) def _connection_update(self, obj, connected, metadata): """ A connection callback from the connection monitor thread. """ if not connected: return elif self.cache.get(obj) or obj in self._in_process: return self._in_process.add(obj) func = functools.partial(self._worker_describe, obj) QtCore.QThreadPool.globalInstance().start( utils.ThreadPoolWorker(func) )
[docs] def get(self, obj): """ To access a description, call this method. If available, it will be returned immediately. Otherwise, upon connection and successful ``describe()`` call, the ``new_description`` Signal will be emitted. Parameters ---------- obj : :class:`ophyd.OphydObj` The object to get the description of. Returns ------- desc : dict or None If available in the cache, the description will be returned. """ try: return self.cache[obj] except KeyError: # Add the object, waiting for a connection update to determine # widget types self.connect_thread.add_object(obj)
[docs]class _GlobalWidgetTypeCache(QtCore.QObject): """ Cache of ophyd object Typhos widget types. ``obj.describe()`` is called using :class:`_GlobalDescribeCache` and are therefore threaded and run in the background. New results are marked by the Signal ``widgets_determined``. To access a set of widget types, call :meth:`.get`. If available, it will be returned immediately. Otherwise, wait for the ``widgets_determined`` Signal. Attributes ---------- describe_cache : :class:`_GlobalDescribeCache` The describe cache, used for determining widget types. cache : dict The cache holding widget type information. Keyed on ``obj``, the values are :class:`SignalWidgetInfo` tuples. """ widgets_determined = QtCore.Signal(object, SignalWidgetInfo) def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.cache = {} self.describe_cache = get_global_describe_cache() self.describe_cache.new_description.connect(self._new_description, QtCore.Qt.QueuedConnection)
[docs] def clear(self): """Clear the cache.""" self.cache.clear()
@QtCore.Slot(object, dict) def _new_description(self, obj, desc): """New description: determine widget types and update the cache.""" if not desc: # Marks an error in retrieving the description # TODO: show error widget or some default widget? return item = SignalWidgetInfo.from_signal(obj, desc) logger.debug('Determined widgets for %s: %s',, item) self.cache[obj] = item self.widgets_determined.emit(obj, item)
[docs] def get(self, obj): """ To access widget types, call this method. If available, it will be returned immediately. Otherwise, upon connection and successful ``describe()`` call, the ``widgets_determined`` Signal will be emitted. Parameters ---------- obj : :class:`ophyd.OphydObj` The object to get the widget types. Returns ------- desc : :class:`SignalWidgetInfo` or None If available in the cache, the information will be returned. """ try: return self.cache[obj] except KeyError: # Add the signal, waiting for a connection update to determine # widget types desc = self.describe_cache.get(obj) if desc is not None: # In certain scenarios (such as testing) this might happen self._new_description(obj, desc)
# The default stale cached_path threshold time, in seconds: TYPHOS_DISPLAY_PATH_CACHE_TIME = int( os.environ.get('TYPHOS_DISPLAY_PATH_CACHE_TIME', '600') ) class _CachedPath: """ A wrapper around pathlib.Path to support repeated globbing. Parameters ---------- path : pathlib.Path The path to cache. Attributes ---------- path : pathlib.Path The underlying path. cache : list The cache of filenames. _update_time : float The last time the cache was updated. stale_threshold : float, optional The time (in seconds) after which to update the path cache. This happens on the next glob, and not on a timer-basis. """ def __init__(self, path, *, stale_threshold=TYPHOS_DISPLAY_PATH_CACHE_TIME): self.path = pathlib.Path(path) self.cache = None self._update_time = None self.stale_threshold = stale_threshold @classmethod def from_path(cls, path, **kwargs): """ Get a cached path, if not already cached. Parameters ---------- path : :class:`pathlib.Path` or :class:`_CachedPath` The paths to cache, if not already cached. """ if isinstance(path, (cls, _GlobalDisplayPathCache)): # Already a _CachedPath return path return cls(path, **kwargs) def __hash__(self): # Keep the hash the same as the internal path for set()/dict() usage return hash(self.path) @property def time_since_last_update(self): """Time (in seconds) since the last update.""" if self._update_time is None: return 0 return time.monotonic() - self._update_time def update(self): """Update the file list.""" self.cache = os.listdir(self.path) self._update_time = time.monotonic() def glob(self, pattern): """Glob a pattern.""" if self.cache is None: self.update() elif self.time_since_last_update > self.stale_threshold: self.update() if any(c in pattern for c in '*?['): # Convert from glob syntax -> regular expression # And compile it for repeated usage. regex = re.compile(fnmatch.translate(pattern)) for path in self.cache: if regex.match(path): yield self.path / path else: # No globbing syntax: only check if file is in the list if pattern in self.cache: yield self.path / pattern
[docs]class _GlobalDisplayPathCache: """ A cache for all configured display paths. All paths from `utils.DISPLAY_PATHS` will be included: 1. Environment variable ``PYDM_DISPLAYS_PATH``. 2. Typhos package built-in paths. """ def __init__(self): self.paths = [] for path in utils.DISPLAY_PATHS: self.add_path(path)
[docs] def update(self): """Force a reload of all paths in the cache.""" logger.debug('Clearing global path cache.') for path in self.paths: path.cache = None
[docs] def add_path(self, path): """ Add a path to be searched during ``glob``. Parameters ---------- path : pathlib.Path or str The path to add. """ logger.debug('Path added to _GlobalDisplayPathCache: %s', path) path = pathlib.Path(path).expanduser().resolve() path = _CachedPath( path, stale_threshold=TYPHOS_DISPLAY_PATH_CACHE_TIME) if path not in self.paths: self.paths.append(path)