Source code for typhos.display

"""Contains the main display widget used for representing an entire device."""

import enum
import logging
import os
import pathlib

import ophyd
import pcdsutils
import pydm.display
import pydm.exception
import pydm.utilities
from pcdsutils.qt import forward_property
from qtpy import QtCore, QtGui, QtWidgets
from qtpy.QtCore import Q_ENUMS, Property, Qt, Slot

from . import cache
from . import panel as typhos_panel
from . import utils, widgets

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class DisplayTypes(enum.IntEnum):
    """Enumeration of template types that can be used in displays."""

    embedded_screen = 0
    detailed_screen = 1
    engineering_screen = 2

_DisplayTypes = utils.pyqt_class_from_enum(DisplayTypes)
DisplayTypes.names = [ for view in DisplayTypes]

    name: [(utils.ui_dir / 'core' / f'{name}.ui').resolve()]
    for name in DisplayTypes.names

DETAILED_TREE_TEMPLATE = (utils.ui_dir / 'core' / 'detailed_tree.ui').resolve()

                             for f in files]

[docs]def normalize_display_type(display_type): """ Normalize a given display type. Parameters ---------- display_type : DisplayTypes, str, or int The display type. Returns ------- display_type : DisplayTypes The normalized :class:`DisplayTypes`. Raises ------ ValueError If the input cannot be made a :class:`DisplayTypes`. """ try: return DisplayTypes(display_type) except Exception as ex: if display_type in DisplayTypes.names: return getattr(DisplayTypes, display_type) raise ValueError(f'Unrecognized display type: {display_type}') from ex
[docs]class TyphosToolButton(QtWidgets.QToolButton): """ Base class for tool buttons used in the TyphosDisplaySwitcher. Parameters ---------- icon : QIcon or str, optional See :meth:`.get_icon` for options. parent : QtWidgets.QWidget, optional The parent widget. Attributes ---------- DEFAULT_ICON : str The default icon from fontawesome to use. """ DEFAULT_ICON = 'circle' def __init__(self, icon=None, *, parent=None): super().__init__(parent=parent) self.setContextMenuPolicy(Qt.DefaultContextMenu) self.contextMenuEvent = self.open_context_menu self.clicked.connect(self._clicked) self.setIcon(self.get_icon(icon)) self.setMinimumSize(24, 24) def _clicked(self): """Clicked callback: override in a subclass.""" menu = self.generate_context_menu() if menu: menu.exec_(QtGui.QCursor.pos())
[docs] def generate_context_menu(self): """Context menu request: override in subclasses.""" return None
[docs] @classmethod def get_icon(cls, icon=None): """ Get a QIcon, if specified, or fall back to the default. Parameters ---------- icon : str or QtGui.QIcon If a string, assume it is from fontawesome. Otherwise, use the icon instance as-is. """ icon = icon or cls.DEFAULT_ICON if isinstance(icon, str): return pydm.utilities.IconFont().icon(icon) return icon
[docs] def open_context_menu(self, ev): """ Open the instance-specific context menu. Parameters ---------- ev : QEvent """ menu = self.generate_context_menu() if menu: menu.exec_(self.mapToGlobal(ev.pos()))
[docs]class TyphosDisplayConfigButton(TyphosToolButton): """ The configuration button used in the :class:`TyphosDisplaySwitcher`. This uses the common "vertical ellipse" icon by default. """ DEFAULT_ICON = 'ellipsis-v' _kind_to_property = typhos_panel.TyphosSignalPanel._kind_to_property def __init__(self, icon=None, *, parent=None): super().__init__(icon=icon, parent=parent) self.setPopupMode(self.InstantPopup) self.setArrowType(Qt.NoArrow) self.templates = None self.device_display = None
[docs] def set_device_display(self, device_display): """Typhos callback: set the :class:`TyphosDeviceDisplay`.""" self.device_display = device_display
[docs] def create_kind_filter_menu(self, panels, base_menu, *, only): """ Create the "Kind" filter menu. Parameters ---------- panels : list of TyphosSignalPanel The panels to filter upon triggering of menu actions. base_menu : QMenu The menu to add actions to. only : bool False - create "Show Kind" actions. True - create "Show only Kind" actions. """ for kind, prop in self._kind_to_property.items(): def selected(new_value, *, prop=prop): if only: # Show *only* the specific kind for all panels for kind, current_prop in self._kind_to_property.items(): visible = (current_prop == prop) for panel in panels: setattr(panel, current_prop, visible) else: # Toggle visibility of the specific kind for all panels for panel in panels: setattr(panel, prop, new_value) self.hide_empty() title = f'Show only &{kind}' if only else f'Show &{kind}' action = base_menu.addAction(title) if not only: action.setCheckable(True) action.setChecked(all(getattr(panel, prop) for panel in panels)) action.triggered.connect(selected)
[docs] def create_name_filter_menu(self, panels, base_menu): """ Create the name-based filtering menu. Parameters ---------- panels : list of TyphosSignalPanel The panels to filter upon triggering of menu actions. base_menu : QMenu The menu to add actions to. """ def text_filter_updated(): text = line_edit.text().strip() for panel in panels: panel.nameFilter = text self.hide_empty() line_edit = QtWidgets.QLineEdit() filters = list(set(panel.nameFilter for panel in panels if panel.nameFilter)) if len(filters) == 1: line_edit.setText(filters[0]) else: line_edit.setPlaceholderText('/ '.join(filters)) line_edit.editingFinished.connect(text_filter_updated) line_edit.setObjectName('menu_action') action = base_menu.addAction('Filter by name:') action.setEnabled(False) action = QtWidgets.QWidgetAction(self) action.setDefaultWidget(line_edit) base_menu.addAction(action)
[docs] def hide_empty(self, search=True): """ Wrap hide_empty calls for use with search functions and action clicks. Parameters ---------- search : bool Whether or not this method is being called from a search/filter method. """ if self.device_display.hideEmpty: if search: show_empty(self.device_display) hide_empty(self.device_display, process_widget=False)
[docs] def create_hide_empty_menu(self, panels, base_menu): """ Create the hide empty filtering menu. Parameters ---------- panels : list of TyphosSignalPanel The panels to filter upon triggering of menu actions. base_menu : QMenu The menu to add actions to. """ def handle_menu(checked): self.device_display.hideEmpty = checked if not checked: # Force a reboot of the filters # since we no longer can figure what was supposed to be # visible or not for p in panels: p._update_panel() show_empty(self.device_display) else: self.hide_empty(search=False) action = base_menu.addAction('Hide Empty Panels') action.setCheckable(True) action.setChecked(self.device_display.hideEmpty) action.triggered.connect(handle_menu)
[docs] def generate_context_menu(self): """ Generate the custom context menu. .. code:: Embedded Detailed Engineering ------------- Refresh templates ------------- Kind filter > Show hinted ... Show only hinted Filter by name Hide Empty Panels """ base_menu = QtWidgets.QMenu(parent=self) display = self.device_display if not display: return base_menu panels = display.findChildren(typhos_panel.TyphosSignalPanel) or [] if not panels: return base_menu base_menu.addSection('Templates') display._generate_template_menu(base_menu) base_menu.addSection('Filters') filter_menu = base_menu.addMenu("&Kind filter") self.create_kind_filter_menu(panels, filter_menu, only=False) filter_menu.addSeparator() self.create_kind_filter_menu(panels, filter_menu, only=True) self.create_name_filter_menu(panels, base_menu) base_menu.addSeparator() self.create_hide_empty_menu(panels, base_menu) if utils.DEBUG_MODE: base_menu.addSection('Debug') action = base_menu.addAction('&Copy to clipboard') action.triggered.connect(display.copy_to_clipboard) return base_menu
[docs]class TyphosDisplaySwitcherButton(TyphosToolButton): """A button which switches the TyphosDeviceDisplay template on click.""" template_selected = QtCore.Signal(pathlib.Path) icons = {'embedded_screen': 'compress', 'detailed_screen': 'braille', 'engineering_screen': 'cogs' } def __init__(self, display_type, *, parent=None): super().__init__(icon=self.icons[display_type], parent=parent) self.templates = None def _clicked(self): """Clicked callback - set the template.""" if self.templates is None: logger.warning('set_device_display not called on %s', self) return try: template = self.templates[0] except IndexError: return self.template_selected.emit(template)
[docs] def generate_context_menu(self): """Context menu request.""" if not self.templates: return menu = QtWidgets.QMenu(parent=self) for template in self.templates: def selected(*, template=template): self.template_selected.emit(template) action = menu.addAction( action.triggered.connect(selected) return menu
[docs]class TyphosDisplaySwitcher(QtWidgets.QFrame, widgets.TyphosDesignerMixin): """Display switcher set of buttons for use with a TyphosDeviceDisplay.""" template_selected = QtCore.Signal(pathlib.Path) def __init__(self, parent=None, **kwargs): # Intialize background variable super().__init__(parent=None) self.device_display = None self.buttons = {} layout = QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout() self.setLayout(layout) layout.setSpacing(0) layout.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) self.setContextMenuPolicy(Qt.DefaultContextMenu) self.contextMenuEvent = self.open_context_menu if parent: self.setParent(parent) self._create_ui() def _create_ui(self): layout = self.layout() self.buttons.clear() self.config_button = None for template_type in DisplayTypes.names: button = TyphosDisplaySwitcherButton(template_type) self.buttons[template_type] = button button.template_selected.connect(self._template_selected) layout.addWidget(button, 0, Qt.AlignRight) friendly_name = template_type.replace('_', ' ') button.setToolTip(f'Switch to {friendly_name}') self.config_button = TyphosDisplayConfigButton() layout.addWidget(self.config_button, 0, Qt.AlignRight) self.config_button.setToolTip('Display settings...') def _template_selected(self, template): """Template selected hook.""" self.template_selected.emit(template) if self.device_display is not None: self.device_display.force_template = template
[docs] def set_device_display(self, display): """Typhos hook for setting the associated device display.""" self.device_display = display for template_type in self.buttons: templates = display.templates.get(template_type, []) self.buttons[template_type].templates = templates self.config_button.set_device_display(display)
[docs] def add_device(self, device): """Typhos hook for setting the associated device.""" ...
[docs]class TyphosTitleLabel(QtWidgets.QLabel): """ A label class intended for use as a standardized title. Attributes ---------- toggle_requested : QtCore.Signal A Qt signal indicating that the user clicked on the title. By default, this hides any nested panels underneath the title. """ toggle_requested = QtCore.Signal()
[docs] def mousePressEvent(self, event): """Overridden qt hook for a mouse press.""" if event.button() == Qt.LeftButton: self.toggle_requested.emit() super().mousePressEvent(event)
[docs]class TyphosDisplayTitle(QtWidgets.QFrame, widgets.TyphosDesignerMixin): """ Standardized Typhos Device Display title. Parameters ---------- title : str, optional The initial title text, which may contain macros. show_switcher : bool, optional Show the :class:`TyphosDisplaySwitcher`. show_underline : bool, optional Show the underline separator. parent : QtWidgets.QWidget, optional The parent widget. """ def __init__(self, title='${name}', *, show_switcher=True, show_underline=True, parent=None): self._show_underline = show_underline self._show_switcher = show_switcher super().__init__(parent=parent) self.label = TyphosTitleLabel(title) self.switcher = TyphosDisplaySwitcher() self.underline = QtWidgets.QFrame() self.underline.setFrameShape(self.underline.HLine) self.underline.setFrameShadow(self.underline.Plain) self.underline.setLineWidth(10) self.grid_layout = QtWidgets.QGridLayout() self.grid_layout.addWidget(self.label, 0, 0) self.grid_layout.addWidget(self.switcher, 0, 1, Qt.AlignRight) self.grid_layout.addWidget(self.underline, 1, 0, 1, 2) self.grid_layout.setSizeConstraint(self.grid_layout.SetMinimumSize) self.setLayout(self.grid_layout) # Set the property: self.show_switcher = show_switcher self.show_underline = show_underline @Property(bool) def show_switcher(self): """Get or set whether to show the display switcher.""" return self._show_switcher @show_switcher.setter def show_switcher(self, value): self._show_switcher = bool(value) self.switcher.setVisible(self._show_switcher)
[docs] def add_device(self, device): """Typhos hook for setting the associated device.""" if not self.label.text(): self.label.setText(
@QtCore.Property(bool) def show_underline(self): """Get or set whether to show the underline.""" return self._show_underline @show_underline.setter def show_underline(self, value): self._show_underline = bool(value) self.underline.setVisible(self._show_underline)
[docs] def set_device_display(self, display): """Typhos callback: set the :class:`TyphosDeviceDisplay`.""" self.device_display = display def toggle(): toggle_display(display.display_widget) self.label.toggle_requested.connect(toggle)
# Make designable properties from the title label available here as well label_alignment = forward_property('label', QtWidgets.QLabel, 'alignment') label_font = forward_property('label', QtWidgets.QLabel, 'font') label_indent = forward_property('label', QtWidgets.QLabel, 'indent') label_margin = forward_property('label', QtWidgets.QLabel, 'margin') label_openExternalLinks = forward_property('label', QtWidgets.QLabel, 'openExternalLinks') label_pixmap = forward_property('label', QtWidgets.QLabel, 'pixmap') label_text = forward_property('label', QtWidgets.QLabel, 'text') label_textFormat = forward_property('label', QtWidgets.QLabel, 'textFormat') label_textInteractionFlags = forward_property('label', QtWidgets.QLabel, 'textInteractionFlags') label_wordWrap = forward_property('label', QtWidgets.QLabel, 'wordWrap') # Make designable properties from the grid_layout layout_margin = forward_property('grid_layout', QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout, 'margin') layout_spacing = forward_property('grid_layout', QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout, 'spacing') # Make designable properties from the underline underline_palette = forward_property('underline', QtWidgets.QFrame, 'palette') underline_styleSheet = forward_property('underline', QtWidgets.QFrame, 'styleSheet') underline_lineWidth = forward_property('underline', QtWidgets.QFrame, 'lineWidth') underline_midLineWidth = forward_property('underline', QtWidgets.QFrame, 'midLineWidth')
[docs]class TyphosDeviceDisplay(utils.TyphosBase, widgets.TyphosDesignerMixin, _DisplayTypes): """ Main display for a single ophyd Device. This contains the widgets for all of the root devices signals, and any methods you would like to display. By typhos convention, the base initialization sets up the widgets and the :meth:`.from_device` class method will automatically populate the resulting display. Parameters ---------- parent : QWidget, optional The parent widget. scrollable : bool, optional If ``True``, put the loaded template into a :class:`QScrollArea`. Otherwise, the display widget will go directly in this widget's layout. composite_heuristics : bool, optional Enable composite heuristics, which may change the suggested detailed screen based on the contents of the added device. See also :meth:`.suggest_composite_screen`. embedded_templates : list, optional List of embedded templates to use in addition to those found on disk. detailed_templates : list, optional List of detailed templates to use in addition to those found on disk. engineering_templates : list, optional List of engineering templates to use in addition to those found on disk. display_type : DisplayTypes, optional The default display type. nested : bool, optional An optional annotation for a display that may be nested inside another. """ # Template types and defaults Q_ENUMS(_DisplayTypes) TemplateEnum = DisplayTypes # For convenience device_count_threshold = 0 signal_count_threshold = 30 def __init__(self, parent=None, *, scrollable=True, composite_heuristics=True, embedded_templates=None, detailed_templates=None, engineering_templates=None, display_type='detailed_screen', nested=False): self._composite_heuristics = composite_heuristics self._current_template = None self._forced_template = '' self._macros = {} self._display_widget = None self._scrollable = False self._searched = False self._hide_empty = False self._nested = nested self.templates = {name: [] for name in DisplayTypes.names} self._display_type = normalize_display_type(display_type) instance_templates = { 'embedded_screen': embedded_templates or [], 'detailed_screen': detailed_templates or [], 'engineering_screen': engineering_templates or [], } for view, path_list in instance_templates.items(): paths = [pathlib.Path(p).expanduser().resolve() for p in path_list] self.templates[view].extend(paths) self._scroll_area = QtWidgets.QScrollArea() self._scroll_area.setAlignment(Qt.AlignTop) self._scroll_area.setObjectName('scroll_area') self._scroll_area.setFrameShape(QtWidgets.QFrame.StyledPanel) self._scroll_area.setVerticalScrollBarPolicy(Qt.ScrollBarAsNeeded) self._scroll_area.setWidgetResizable(True) self._scroll_area.setFrameStyle(QtWidgets.QFrame.NoFrame) super().__init__(parent=parent) layout = QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout() self.setLayout(layout) layout.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) layout.addWidget(self._scroll_area) self.scrollable = scrollable @Property(bool) def composite_heuristics(self): """Allow composite screen to be suggested first by heuristics.""" return self._composite_heuristics @composite_heuristics.setter def composite_heuristics(self, composite_heuristics): self._composite_heuristics = bool(composite_heuristics) @Property(bool) def scrollable(self): """Place the display in a scrollable area.""" return self._scrollable @scrollable.setter def scrollable(self, scrollable): # Switch between using the scroll area layout or if scrollable == self._scrollable: return self._scrollable = bool(scrollable) self._move_display_to_layout(self._display_widget) @Property(bool) def hideEmpty(self): """Toggle hiding or showing empty panels.""" return self._hide_empty @hideEmpty.setter def hideEmpty(self, checked): if checked != self._hide_empty: self._hide_empty = checked def _move_display_to_layout(self, widget): if not widget: return widget.setParent(None) if self._scrollable: self._scroll_area.setWidget(widget) else: self.layout().addWidget(widget) self._scroll_area.setVisible(self._scrollable) def _generate_template_menu(self, base_menu): """Generate the template switcher menu, adding it to ``base_menu``.""" for view, filenames in self.templates.items(): if view.endswith('_screen'): view = view.split('_screen')[0] menu = base_menu.addMenu(view.capitalize()) for filename in filenames: def switch_template(*, filename=filename): self.force_template = filename action = menu.addAction(os.path.split(filename)[-1]) action.triggered.connect(switch_template) refresh_action = base_menu.addAction("Refresh Templates") refresh_action.triggered.connect(self._refresh_templates) def _refresh_templates(self): """Context menu 'Refresh Templates' clicked.""" # Force an update of the display cache. cache.get_global_display_path_cache().update() self.search_for_templates() self.load_best_template() @property def current_template(self): """Get the current template being displayed.""" return self._current_template @Property(_DisplayTypes) def display_type(self): """Get or set the current display type.""" return self._display_type @display_type.setter def display_type(self, value): value = normalize_display_type(value) if self._display_type != value: self._display_type = value self.load_best_template() @property def macros(self): """Get or set the macros for the display.""" return dict(self._macros) @macros.setter def macros(self, macros): self._macros.clear() self._macros.update(**(macros or {})) # If any display macros are specified, re-search for templates: if any(view in self._macros for view in DisplayTypes.names): self.search_for_templates() @Property(str, designable=False) def device_class(self): """Get the full class with module name of loaded device.""" device = self.device cls = self.device.__class__ return f'{cls.__module__}.{cls.__name__}' if device else '' @Property(str, designable=False) def device_name(self): """Get the name of the loaded device.""" device = self.device return if device else '' @property def device(self): """Get the device associated with this Device Display.""" try: device, = self.devices return device except ValueError: ...
[docs] def get_best_template(self, display_type, macros): """ Get the best template for the given display type. Parameters ---------- display_type : DisplayTypes, str, or int The display type. macros : dict Macros to use when loading the template. """ display_type = normalize_display_type(display_type).name templates = self.templates[display_type] if templates: return templates[0] logger.warning("No templates available for display type: %s", self._display_type)
def _remove_display(self): """Remove the display widget, readying for a new template.""" display_widget = self._display_widget if display_widget: if self._scroll_area.widget(): self._scroll_area.takeWidget() self.layout().removeWidget(display_widget) display_widget.deleteLater() self._display_widget = None
[docs] def load_best_template(self): """Load the best available template for the current display type.""" if self.layout() is None: # If we are not fully initialized yet do not try and add anything # to the layout. This will happen if the QApplication has a # stylesheet that forces a template prior to the creation of this # display return if not self._searched: self.search_for_templates() self._remove_display() template = (self._forced_template or self.get_best_template(self._display_type, self.macros)) if not template: widget = QtWidgets.QWidget() template = None else: try: widget = self._load_template(template) except Exception as ex: logger.exception("Unable to load file %r", template) # If we have a previously defined template if self._current_template is not None: # Fallback to it so users have a choice widget = self._load_template(self._current_template) pydm.exception.raise_to_operator(ex) else: widget = QtWidgets.QWidget() template = None if widget: widget.setObjectName('display_widget') if widget.layout() is None and widget.minimumSize().width() == 0: # If the widget has no layout, use a fixed size for it. # Without this, the widget may not display at all. widget.setMinimumSize(widget.size()) self._display_widget = widget self._current_template = template def size_hint(*args, **kwargs): return widget.size() # sizeHint is not defined so we suggest the widget size widget.sizeHint = size_hint # We should _move_display_to_layout as soon as it is created. This # allow us to speed up since if the widget is too complex it takes # seconds to set it to the QScrollArea self._move_display_to_layout(self._display_widget) self._update_children() utils.reload_widget_stylesheet(self)
@property def display_widget(self): """Get the widget generated from the template.""" return self._display_widget @staticmethod def _get_templates_from_macros(macros): ret = {} paths = cache.get_global_display_path_cache().paths for display_type in DisplayTypes.names: ret[display_type] = None try: value = macros[display_type] except KeyError: ... else: if not value: continue try: value = pathlib.Path(value) except ValueError as ex: logger.debug('Invalid path specified in macro: %s=%s', display_type, value, exc_info=ex) else: ret[display_type] = list(utils.find_file_in_paths( value, paths=paths)) return ret def _load_template(self, filename): """Load template from file and return the widget.""" loader = (pydm.display.load_py_file if filename.suffix == '.py' else pydm.display.load_ui_file) logger.debug('Load template using %s: %r', loader.__name__, filename) return loader(str(filename), macros=self._macros) def _update_children(self): """Notify child widgets of this device display + the device.""" device = self.device display = self._display_widget designer = display.findChildren(widgets.TyphosDesignerMixin) or [] bases = display.findChildren(utils.TyphosBase) or [] for widget in set(bases + designer): if device and hasattr(widget, 'add_device'): widget.add_device(device) if hasattr(widget, 'set_device_display'): widget.set_device_display(self) @Property(str) def force_template(self): """Force a specific template.""" return self._forced_template @force_template.setter def force_template(self, value): if value != self._forced_template: self._forced_template = value self.load_best_template() @staticmethod def _build_macros_from_device(device, macros=None): result = {} if hasattr(device, 'md'): if isinstance(, dict): result = dict( else: result = dict( if 'name' not in result: result['name'] = if 'prefix' not in result and hasattr(device, 'prefix'): result['prefix'] = device.prefix result.update(**(macros or {})) return result
[docs] def add_device(self, device, macros=None): """ Add a Device and signals to the TyphosDeviceDisplay. The full dictionary of macros is built with the following order of precedence:: 1. Macros from the device metadata itself. 2. If available, `name`, and `prefix` will be added from the device. 3. The argument ``macros`` is then used to fill/update the final macro dictionary. Parameters ---------- device : ophyd.Device The device to add. macros : dict, optional Additional macros to use/replace the defaults. """ # We only allow one device at a time if self.devices: logger.debug("Removing devices %r", self.devices) self.devices.clear() # Add the device to the cache super().add_device(device) self._searched = False self.macros = self._build_macros_from_device(device, macros=macros) self.load_best_template()
[docs] def search_for_templates(self): """Search the filesystem for device-specific templates.""" device = self.device if not device: logger.debug('Cannot search for templates without device') return self._searched = True cls = device.__class__ logger.debug('Searching for templates for %s', cls.__name__) macro_templates = self._get_templates_from_macros(self._macros) paths = cache.get_global_display_path_cache().paths for display_type in DisplayTypes.names: view = display_type if view.endswith('_screen'): view = view.split('_screen')[0] template_list = self.templates[display_type] template_list.clear() # 1. Highest priority: macros for template in set(macro_templates[display_type] or []): template_list.append(template) logger.debug('Adding macro template %s: %s (total=%d)', display_type, template, len(template_list)) # 2. Composite heuristics, if enabled if self._composite_heuristics and view == 'detailed': if self.suggest_composite_screen(cls): template_list.append(DETAILED_TREE_TEMPLATE) # 3. Templates based on class hierarchy names filenames = utils.find_templates_for_class(cls, view, paths) for filename in filenames: if filename not in template_list: template_list.append(filename) logger.debug('Found new template %s: %s (total=%d)', display_type, filename, len(template_list)) # 4. Default templates template_list.extend( [templ for templ in DEFAULT_TEMPLATES[display_type] if templ not in template_list] )
[docs] @classmethod def suggest_composite_screen(cls, device_cls): """ Suggest to use the composite screen for the given class. Returns ------- composite : bool If True, favor the composite screen. """ num_devices = 0 num_signals = 0 for attr, component in utils._get_top_level_components(device_cls): num_devices += issubclass(component.cls, ophyd.Device) num_signals += issubclass(component.cls, ophyd.Signal) specific_screens = cls._get_specific_screens(device_cls) if (len(specific_screens) or (num_devices <= cls.device_count_threshold and num_signals >= cls.signal_count_threshold)): # 1. There's a custom screen - we probably should use them # 2. There aren't many devices, so the composite display isn't # useful # 3. There are many signals, which should be broken up somehow composite = False else: # 1. No custom screen, or # 2. Many devices or a relatively small number of signals composite = True logger.debug( '%s screens=%s num_signals=%d num_devices=%d -> composite=%s', device_cls, specific_screens, num_signals, num_devices, composite ) return composite
[docs] @classmethod def from_device(cls, device, template=None, macros=None, **kwargs): """ Create a new TyphosDeviceDisplay from a Device. Loads the signals in to the appropriate positions and sets the title to a cleaned version of the device name Parameters ---------- device : ophyd.Device template : str, optional Set the ``display_template``. macros : dict, optional Macro substitutions to be placed in template. **kwargs Passed to the class init. """ display = cls(**kwargs) # Reset the template if provided if template: display.force_template = template # Add the device display.add_device(device, macros=macros) return display
[docs] @classmethod def from_class(cls, klass, *, template=None, macros=None, **kwargs): """ Create a new TyphosDeviceDisplay from a Device class. Loads the signals in to the appropriate positions and sets the title to a cleaned version of the device name. Parameters ---------- klass : str or class template : str, optional Set the ``display_template``. macros : dict, optional Macro substitutions to be placed in template. **kwargs Extra arguments are used at device instantiation. Returns ------- TyphosDeviceDisplay """ try: obj = pcdsutils.utils.get_instance_by_name(klass, **kwargs) except Exception: logger.exception('Failed to generate TyphosDeviceDisplay from ' 'device %s', obj) return None return cls.from_device(obj, template=template, macros=macros)
@classmethod def _get_specific_screens(cls, device_cls): """ Get the list of specific screens for a given device class. That is, screens that are not default Typhos-provided screens. """ return [ template for template in utils.find_templates_for_class( device_cls, 'detailed', utils.DISPLAY_PATHS) if not utils.is_standard_template(template) ]
[docs] def to_image(self): """ Return the entire display as a QtGui.QImage. Returns ------- QtGui.QImage The display, as an image. """ if self._display_widget is not None: return utils.widget_to_image(self._display_widget)
[docs] @Slot() def copy_to_clipboard(self): """Copy the display image to the clipboard.""" image = self.to_image() if image is not None: clipboard = QtGui.QGuiApplication.clipboard() clipboard.setImage(image)
@Slot(object) def _tx(self, value): """Receive information from happi channel.""" self.add_device(value['obj'], macros=value['md']) def __repr__(self): """Get a custom representation for TyphosDeviceDisplay.""" return ( f'<{self.__class__.__name__} at {hex(id(self))} ' f'device={self.device_class}[{self.device_name!r}] ' f'nested={self._nested}' f'>' )
[docs]def toggle_display(widget, force_state=None): """ Toggle the visibility of all :class:`TyphosSignalPanel` in a display. Parameters ---------- widget : QWidget The widget in which to look for Panels. force_state : bool If set to True or False, it will change visibility to the value of force_state. If not set or set to None, it will flip the current panels state. """ panels = widget.findChildren(typhos_panel.TyphosSignalPanel) or [] visible = all(panel.isVisible() for panel in panels) state = not visible if force_state is not None: state = force_state for panel in panels: panel.setVisible(state)
[docs]def show_empty(widget): """ Recursively shows all panels and widgets, empty or not. Parameters ---------- widget : QWidget """ children = widget.findChildren(TyphosDeviceDisplay) or [] for ch in children: show_empty(ch) widget.setVisible(True) toggle_display(widget, force_state=True)
[docs]def hide_empty(widget, process_widget=True): """ Recursively hide empty panels and widgets. Parameters ---------- widget : QWidget The widget in which to start the recursive search. process_widget : bool Whether or not to process the visibility for the widget. This is useful since we don't want to hide the top-most widget otherwise users can't change the visibility back on. """ def process(item, recursive=True): if isinstance(item, TyphosDeviceDisplay) and recursive: hide_empty(item) elif isinstance(item, typhos_panel.TyphosSignalPanel): if recursive: hide_empty(item) visible = bool(item._panel_layout.visible_elements) item.setVisible(visible) if isinstance(widget, TyphosDeviceDisplay): # Check if the template at this display is one of the defaults # otherwise we are not sure if we can safely change it. if widget.current_template not in DEFAULT_TEMPLATES_FLATTEN:"Can't hide empty entries in non built-in templates") return children = widget.findChildren(utils.TyphosBase) or [] for w in children: process(w) if process_widget: if isinstance(widget, TyphosDeviceDisplay): overall_status = any(w.isVisible() for w in children) elif isinstance(widget, typhos_panel.TyphosSignalPanel): overall_status = bool(widget._panel_layout.visible_elements) widget.setVisible(overall_status)