Source code for typhos.positioner

import logging
import os.path

from qtpy import QtCore, uic, QtWidgets

from . import utils, widgets
from .status import TyphosStatusThread

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class TyphosPositionerWidget(utils.TyphosBase, widgets.TyphosDesignerMixin): """ Widget to interact with a :class:`ophyd.Positioner`. Standard positioner motion requires a large amount of context for operators. For most motors, it may not be enough to simply have a text field where setpoints can be punched in. Instead, information like soft limits and hardware limit switches are crucial for a full understanding of the position and behavior of a motor. The widget will work with any object that implements the method ``set``, however to get other relevant information, we see if we can find other useful signals. Below is a table of attributes that the widget looks for to inform screen design. ============== =========================================================== Widget Attribute Selection ============== =========================================================== User Readback The ``readback_attribute`` property is used, which defaults to ``user_readback``. Linked to UI element ``user_readback``. User Setpoint The ``setpoint_attribute`` property is used, which defaults to ``user_setpoint``. Linked to UI element ``user_setpoint``. Limit Switches The ``low_limit_switch_attribute`` and ``high_limit_switch_attribute`` properties are used, which default to ``low_limit_switch`` and ``high_limit_switch``, respectively. Soft Limits The ``low_limit_travel_attribute`` and ``high_limit_travel_attribute`` properties are used, which default to ``low_limit_travel`` and ``high_limit_travel``, respectively. As a fallback, the ``limit`` property on the device may be queried directly. Set and Tweak Both of these methods simply use ``Device.set`` which is expected to take a ``float`` and return a ``status`` object that indicates the motion completeness. Must be implemented. Stop Device.stop() ============== =========================================================== """ ui_template = os.path.join(utils.ui_dir, 'widgets', 'positioner.ui') _readback_attr = 'user_readback' _setpoint_attr = 'user_setpoint' _low_limit_switch_attr = 'low_limit_switch' _high_limit_switch_attr = 'high_limit_switch' _low_limit_travel_attr = 'low_limit_travel' _high_limit_travel_attr = 'high_limit_travel' _velocity_attr = 'velocity' _acceleration_attr = 'acceleration' _min_visible_operation = 0.1 def __init__(self, parent=None): self._moving = False self._last_move = None self._readback = None self._setpoint = None self._status_thread = None self._initialized = False super().__init__(parent=parent) self.ui = uic.loadUi(self.ui_template, self) self.ui.tweak_positive.clicked.connect(self.positive_tweak) self.ui.tweak_negative.clicked.connect(self.negative_tweak) self.ui.stop_button.clicked.connect(self.stop) def _clear_status_thread(self): """Clear a previous status thread.""" if self._status_thread is None: return logger.debug("Clearing current active status") self._status_thread.disconnect() self._status_thread = None def _start_status_thread(self, status, timeout): """Start the status monitoring thread for the given status object.""" self._status_thread = thread = TyphosStatusThread( status, start_delay=self._min_visible_operation, timeout=timeout ) thread.status_started.connect(self.move_changed) thread.status_finished.connect(self._status_finished) thread.start() def _get_timeout(self, set_position, settle_time): """Use positioner's configuration to select a timeout.""" pos_sig = getattr(self.device, self._readback_attr, None) vel_sig = getattr(self.device, self._velocity_attr, None) acc_sig = getattr(self.device, self._acceleration_attr, None) # Not enough info == no timeout if pos_sig is None or vel_sig is None: return None delta = pos_sig.get() - set_position speed = vel_sig.get() # Bad speed == no timeout if speed == 0: return None # Bad acceleration == ignore acceleration if acc_sig is None: acc_time = 0 else: acc_time = acc_sig.get() # This time is always greater than the kinematic calc return abs(delta/speed) + 2 * abs(acc_time) + abs(settle_time) def _set(self, value): """Inner `set` routine - call device.set() and monitor the status.""" self._clear_status_thread() self._last_move = None if isinstance(self.ui.set_value, QtWidgets.QComboBox): set_position = value else: set_position = float(value) try: timeout = self._get_timeout(set_position, 5) except Exception: # Something went wrong, just run without a timeout. logger.exception('Unable to estimate motor timeout.') timeout = None logger.debug("Setting device %r to %r with timeout %r", self.device, value, timeout) # Send timeout through thread because status timeout stops the move status = self.device.set(set_position) self._start_status_thread(status, timeout) @QtCore.Slot(int) def combo_set(self, index): self.set()
[docs] @QtCore.Slot() def set(self): """Set the device to the value configured by ``ui.set_value``""" if not self.device: return try: if isinstance(self.ui.set_value, QtWidgets.QComboBox): value = self.ui.set_value.currentText() else: value = self.ui.set_value.text() self._set(value) except Exception as exc: logger.exception("Error setting %r to %r", self.devices, value) self._last_move = False utils.reload_widget_stylesheet(self, cascade=True) utils.raise_to_operator(exc)
[docs] def tweak(self, offset): """Tweak by the given ``offset``.""" try: setpoint = self._get_position() + float(offset) except Exception: logger.exception('Tweak failed') return self.ui.set_value.setText(str(setpoint)) self.set()
[docs] @QtCore.Slot() def positive_tweak(self): """Tweak positive by the amount listed in ``ui.tweak_value``""" try: self.tweak(float(self.tweak_value.text())) except Exception: logger.exception('Tweak failed')
[docs] @QtCore.Slot() def negative_tweak(self): """Tweak negative by the amount listed in ``ui.tweak_value``""" try: self.tweak(-float(self.tweak_value.text())) except Exception: logger.exception('Tweak failed')
[docs] @QtCore.Slot() def stop(self): """Stop device""" for device in self.devices: device.stop()
def _get_position(self): if not self._readback: raise Exception("No Device configured for widget!") return self._readback.get() @utils.linked_attribute('readback_attribute', 'ui.user_readback', True) def _link_readback(self, signal, widget): """Link the positioner readback with the ui element.""" self._readback = signal @utils.linked_attribute('setpoint_attribute', 'ui.user_setpoint', True) def _link_setpoint(self, signal, widget): """Link the positioner setpoint with the ui element.""" self._setpoint = signal if signal is not None: # Seed the set_value text with the user_setpoint channel value. if hasattr(widget, 'textChanged'): widget.textChanged.connect(self._user_setpoint_update) @utils.linked_attribute('low_limit_switch_attribute', 'ui.low_limit_switch', True) def _link_low_limit_switch(self, signal, widget): """Link the positioner lower limit switch with the ui element.""" if signal is None: widget.hide() @utils.linked_attribute('high_limit_switch_attribute', 'ui.high_limit_switch', True) def _link_high_limit_switch(self, signal, widget): """Link the positioner high limit switch with the ui element.""" if signal is None: widget.hide() @utils.linked_attribute('low_limit_travel_attribute', 'ui.low_limit', True) def _link_low_travel(self, signal, widget): """Link the positioner lower travel limit with the ui element.""" return signal is not None @utils.linked_attribute('high_limit_travel_attribute', 'ui.high_limit', True) def _link_high_travel(self, signal, widget): """Link the positioner high travel limit with the ui element.""" return signal is not None def _link_limits_by_limits_attr(self): """Link limits by using ``device.limits``.""" device = self.device try: low_limit, high_limit = device.limits except Exception: ... else: if low_limit < high_limit: self.ui.low_limit.setText(str(low_limit)) self.ui.high_limit.setText(str(high_limit)) return # If not found or invalid, hide them: self.ui.low_limit.hide() self.ui.high_limit.hide() def _define_setpoint_widget(self): """ Leverage information at describe to define whether to use a PyDMLineEdit or a PyDMEnumCombobox as setpoint widget. """ try: setpoint_signal = getattr(self.device, self.setpoint_attribute) selection = setpoint_signal.enum_strs is not None except Exception: selection = False if selection: self.ui.set_value = QtWidgets.QComboBox() self.ui.set_value.addItems(setpoint_signal.enum_strs) self.ui.set_value.currentIndexChanged.connect(self.set) self.ui.tweak_widget.setVisible(False) else: self.ui.set_value = QtWidgets.QLineEdit() self.ui.set_value.setAlignment(QtCore.Qt.AlignCenter) self.ui.set_value.returnPressed.connect(self.set) self.ui.setpoint_layout.addWidget(self.ui.set_value) @property def device(self): """The associated device.""" try: return self.devices[0] except Exception: ...
[docs] def add_device(self, device): """Add a device to the widget""" # Add device to cache self.devices.clear() # only one device allowed super().add_device(device) self._define_setpoint_widget() self._link_readback() self._link_setpoint() self._link_low_limit_switch() self._link_high_limit_switch() if not (self._link_low_travel() and self._link_high_travel()): self._link_limits_by_limits_attr()
@QtCore.Property(bool, designable=False) def moving(self): """ Current state of widget This will lag behind the actual state of the positioner in order to prevent unnecessary rapid movements """ return self._moving @moving.setter def moving(self, value): if value != self._moving: self._moving = value utils.reload_widget_stylesheet(self, cascade=True) @QtCore.Property(bool, designable=False) def successful_move(self): """The last requested move was successful""" return self._last_move is True @QtCore.Property(bool, designable=False) def failed_move(self): """The last requested move failed""" return self._last_move is False @QtCore.Property(str, designable=True) def readback_attribute(self): """The attribute name for the readback signal.""" return self._readback_attr @readback_attribute.setter def readback_attribute(self, value): self._readback_attr = value @QtCore.Property(str, designable=True) def setpoint_attribute(self): """The attribute name for the setpoint signal.""" return self._setpoint_attr @setpoint_attribute.setter def setpoint_attribute(self, value): self._setpoint_attr = value @QtCore.Property(str, designable=True) def low_limit_switch_attribute(self): """The attribute name for the low limit switch signal.""" return self._low_limit_switch_attr @low_limit_switch_attribute.setter def low_limit_switch_attribute(self, value): self._low_limit_switch_attr = value @QtCore.Property(str, designable=True) def high_limit_switch_attribute(self): """The attribute name for the high limit switch signal.""" return self._high_limit_switch_attr @high_limit_switch_attribute.setter def high_limit_switch_attribute(self, value): self._high_limit_switch_attr = value @QtCore.Property(str, designable=True) def low_limit_travel_attribute(self): """The attribute name for the low limit signal.""" return self._low_limit_travel_attr @low_limit_travel_attribute.setter def low_limit_travel_attribute(self, value): self._low_limit_travel_attr = value @QtCore.Property(str, designable=True) def high_limit_travel_attribute(self): """The attribute name for the high (soft) limit travel signal.""" return self._high_limit_travel_attr @high_limit_travel_attribute.setter def high_limit_travel_attribute(self, value): self._high_limit_travel_attr = value @QtCore.Property(str, designable=True) def velocity_attribute(self): """The attribute name for the velocity signal.""" return self._velocity_attr @velocity_attribute.setter def velocity_attribute(self, value): self._velocity_attr = value @QtCore.Property(str, designable=True) def acceleration_attribute(self): """The attribute name for the acceleration time signal.""" return self._acceleration_attr @acceleration_attribute.setter def acceleration_attribute(self, value): self._acceleration_attr = value
[docs] def move_changed(self): """Called when a move is begun""" logger.debug("Begin showing move in TyphosPositionerWidget") self.moving = True
def _set_status_text(self, text, *, max_length=60): """Set the status text label to ``text``.""" if len(text) >= max_length: self.ui.status_label.setToolTip(text) text = text[:max_length] + '...' else: self.ui.status_label.setToolTip('') self.ui.status_label.setText(text) def _status_finished(self, result): """Called when a move is complete.""" if isinstance(result, Exception): text = f'<b>{result.__class__.__name__}</b> {result}' else: text = '' self._set_status_text(text) success = not isinstance(result, Exception) logger.debug("Completed move in TyphosPositionerWidget (result=%r)", result) self._last_move = success self.moving = False @QtCore.Slot(str) def _user_setpoint_update(self, text): """Qt slot - indicating the ``user_setpoint`` widget text changed.""" try: text = text.strip().split(' ')[0] text = text.strip() except Exception: return # Update set_value if it's not being edited. if not self.ui.set_value.hasFocus(): if isinstance(self.ui.set_value, QtWidgets.QComboBox): try: idx = int(text) # HACK: the first put is always during startup # This must be skipped if self._initialized: self.ui.set_value.setCurrentIndex(idx) else: self._initialized = True except ValueError: logger.debug('Failed to convert value to int. %s', text) else: self._initialized = True self.ui.set_value.setText(text)