Source code for typhos.utils

Utility functions for typhos
import collections
import contextlib
import functools
import importlib.util
import inspect
import io
import logging
import operator
import os
import pathlib
import random
import re
import threading

import ophyd
import ophyd.sim
from ophyd import Device
from ophyd.signal import EpicsSignalBase, EpicsSignalRO
from pydm.exception import raise_to_operator  # noqa
from pydm.widgets.base import PyDMWritableWidget
from qtpy import QtCore, QtGui, QtWidgets
from qtpy.QtCore import QSize
from qtpy.QtGui import QColor, QMovie, QPainter
from qtpy.QtWidgets import QWidget

from typhos import plugins

    import happi
except ImportError:
    happi = None

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
MODULE_PATH = pathlib.Path(__file__).parent.resolve()
ui_dir = MODULE_PATH / 'ui'
ui_core_dir = ui_dir / 'core'
GrabKindItem = collections.namedtuple('GrabKindItem',
                                      ('attr', 'component', 'signal'))
DEBUG_MODE = bool(os.environ.get('TYPHOS_DEBUG', False))

if happi is None:"happi is not installed; some features may be unavailable")

def _get_display_paths():
    """Get all display paths based on PYDM_DISPLAYS_PATH + typhos built-ins."""
    paths = os.environ.get('PYDM_DISPLAYS_PATH', '')
    for path in paths.split(os.pathsep):
        path = pathlib.Path(path).expanduser().resolve()
        if path.exists() and path.is_dir():
            yield path
    yield ui_dir / 'core'
    yield ui_dir / 'devices'

DISPLAY_PATHS = list(_get_display_paths())

[docs]class SignalRO(ophyd.sim.SynSignalRO): def __init__(self, value=0, *args, **kwargs): self._value = value super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._metadata.update( connected=True, write_access=False, )
[docs] def get(self): return self._value
[docs]def channel_from_signal(signal, read=True): """ Create a PyDM address from arbitrary signal type """ # Add an item if isinstance(signal, EpicsSignalBase): if read: return channel_name(signal._read_pv.pvname) return channel_name(signal._write_pv.pvname) return channel_name(, protocol='sig')
[docs]def is_signal_ro(signal): """ Return whether the signal is read-only In the future this may be easier to do through improvements to introspection in the ophyd library. Until that day we need to check classes """ return isinstance(signal, (SignalRO, EpicsSignalRO, ophyd.sim.SynSignalRO))
[docs]def channel_name(pv, protocol='ca'): """ Create a valid PyDM channel from a PV name """ return protocol + '://' + pv
[docs]def clean_attr(attr): """ Create a nicer, human readable alias from a Python attribute name """ return attr.replace('.', ' ').replace('_', ' ')
[docs]def clean_name(device, strip_parent=True): """ Create a human readable name for a device Parameters ---------- device: ophyd.Device strip_parent: bool or Device Remove the parent name of the device from name. If strip_parent is True, the name of the direct parent of the device is stripped. If a device is provided the name of that device is used. This allows specification for removal at any point of the device schema """ name = if strip_parent and device.parent: if isinstance(strip_parent, Device): parent_name = else: parent_name = name = name.replace(parent_name + '_', '') # Return the cleaned alias return clean_attr(name)
[docs]def use_stylesheet(dark=False, widget=None): """ Use the Typhos stylesheet Parameters ---------- dark: bool, optional Whether or not to use the QDarkStyleSheet theme. By default the light theme is chosen. """ # Dark Style if dark: import qdarkstyle style = qdarkstyle.load_stylesheet_pyqt5() # Light Style else: # Load the path to the file style_path = os.path.join(ui_dir, 'style.qss') if not os.path.exists(style_path): raise EnvironmentError("Unable to find Typhos stylesheet in {}" "".format(style_path)) # Load the stylesheet from the file with open(style_path, 'r') as handle: style = if widget is None: widget = QtWidgets.QApplication.instance() # We can set Fusion style if it is an application if isinstance(widget, QtWidgets.QApplication): widget.setStyle(QtWidgets.QStyleFactory.create('Fusion')) # Set Stylesheet widget.setStyleSheet(style)
[docs]def random_color(): """Return a random hex color description""" return QColor(random.randint(0, 255), random.randint(0, 255), random.randint(0, 255))
[docs]class TyphosLoading(QtWidgets.QLabel): """ A QLabel with an animation for loading status. Attributes ---------- LOADING_TIMEOUT_MS : int The timeout value in milliseconds for when to stop the animation and replace it with a default timeout message. """ LOADING_TIMEOUT_MS = 10000 loading_gif = None def __init__(self, timeout_message, *, parent=None, **kwargs): self.timeout_message = timeout_message super().__init__(parent=parent, **kwargs) self._icon_size = QSize(32, 32) if TyphosLoading.loading_gif is None: loading_path = os.path.join(ui_dir, 'loading.gif') TyphosLoading.loading_gif = QMovie(loading_path) self._animation = TyphosLoading.loading_gif self._animation.setScaledSize(self._icon_size) self.setMovie(self._animation) self._animation.start() if self.LOADING_TIMEOUT_MS > 0: QtCore.QTimer.singleShot(self.LOADING_TIMEOUT_MS, self._handle_timeout) self.setContextMenuPolicy(QtCore.Qt.DefaultContextMenu)
[docs] def contextMenuEvent(self, event): menu = QtWidgets.QMenu(parent=self) def copy_to_clipboard(*, text): clipboard = QtWidgets.QApplication.instance().clipboard() clipboard.setText(text) menu.addSection('Copy to clipboard') action = menu.addAction('&All') action.triggered.connect(functools.partial(copy_to_clipboard, text=self.toolTip())) menu.addSeparator() for line in self.toolTip().splitlines(): action = menu.addAction(line) action.triggered.connect( functools.partial(copy_to_clipboard, text=line) ) menu.exec_(self.mapToGlobal(event.pos()))
def _handle_timeout(self): self._animation.stop() self.setMovie(None) self.setText(self.timeout_message) @property def iconSize(self): return self._icon_size @iconSize.setter def iconSize(self, size): self._icon_size = size self._animation.setScaledSize(self._icon_size)
[docs]class TyphosBase(QWidget): """Base widget for all Typhos widgets that interface with devices""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.devices = list()
[docs] def add_device(self, device): """ Add a new device to the widget Parameters ---------- device : ophyd.Device """ logger.debug("Adding device %s ...", self.devices.append(device)
[docs] def paintEvent(self, event): # This is necessary because by default QWidget ignores stylesheets # opt = QtWidgets.QStyleOption() opt.initFrom(self) painter = QPainter() painter.begin(self), opt, painter, self) super().paintEvent(event)
[docs] @classmethod def from_device(cls, device, parent=None, **kwargs): """ Create a new instance of the widget for a Device Shortcut for: .. code:: tool = TyphosBase(parent=parent) tool.add_device(device) Parameters ---------- device: ophyd.Device parent: QWidget """ instance = cls(parent=parent, **kwargs) instance.add_device(device) return instance
[docs]def make_identifier(name): """Make a Python string into a valid Python identifier""" # That was easy if name.isidentifier(): return name # Lowercase name = name.lower() # Leading / following whitespace name = name.strip() # Intermediate whitespace should be underscores name = re.sub('[\\s\\t\\n]+', '_', name) # Remove invalid characters name = re.sub('[^0-9a-zA-Z_]', '', name) # Remove leading characters until we find a letter or an underscore name = re.sub('^[^a-zA-Z_]+', '', name) return name
[docs]def flatten_tree(param): """Flatten a tree of parameters""" tree = [param] for child in param.childs: tree.extend(flatten_tree(child)) return tree
[docs]def clear_layout(layout): """Clear a QLayout""" while layout.count(): child = layout.takeAt(0) if child.widget(): child.widget().deleteLater() elif child.layout(): clear_layout(child.layout())
[docs]def reload_widget_stylesheet(widget, cascade=False): """Reload the stylesheet of the provided widget""" widget.update() if cascade: for child in widget.children(): if isinstance(child, QWidget): reload_widget_stylesheet(child, cascade=True)
[docs]def save_suite(suite, file_or_buffer): """ Create a file capable of relaunching the TyphosSuite Parameters ---------- suite: TyphosSuite file_or_buffer : str or file-like Either a path to the file or a handle that supports ``write`` """ # Accept file-like objects or a handle if isinstance(file_or_buffer, str): handle = open(file_or_buffer, 'w+') else: handle = file_or_buffer logger.debug("Saving TyphosSuite contents to %r", handle) devices = [ for device in suite.devices] handle.write(saved_template.format(devices=devices))
[docs]def load_suite(path, cfg=None): """" Load a file saved via Typhos Parameters ---------- path: str Path to file describing the ``TyphosSuite``. This needs to be of the format created by the :meth:`.save_suite` function. cfg: str, optional Location of happi configuration file to use to load devices. If not entered the ``$HAPPI_CFG`` environment variable will be used. Returns ------- suite: TyphosSuite """"Importing TyphosSuite from file %r ...", path) module_name = pathlib.Path(path).name.replace('.py', '') spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location(module_name, path) suite_module = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec) spec.loader.exec_module(suite_module) if hasattr(suite_module, 'create_suite'): logger.debug("Executing create_suite method from %r", suite_module) return suite_module.create_suite(cfg=cfg) else: raise AttributeError("Imported module has no 'create_suite' method!")
saved_template = """\ import sys import typhos.cli devices = {devices} def create_suite(cfg=None): return typhos.cli.create_suite(devices, cfg=cfg) if __name__ == '__main__': typhos.cli.typhos_cli(devices + sys.argv[1:]) """
[docs]@contextlib.contextmanager def no_device_lazy_load(): ''' Context manager which disables the ophyd.device.Device `lazy_wait_for_connection` behavior and later restore its value. ''' old_val = Device.lazy_wait_for_connection try: Device.lazy_wait_for_connection = False yield finally: Device.lazy_wait_for_connection = old_val
[docs]def pyqt_class_from_enum(enum): ''' Create an inheritable base class from a Python Enum, which can also be used for Q_ENUMS. ''' enum_dict = { item.value for item in list(enum)} return type(enum.__name__, (object, ), enum_dict)
def _get_template_filenames_for_class(class_, view_type, *, include_mro=True): ''' Yields all possible template filenames that can be used for the class, in order of priority, including those in the class MRO. This does not include the file extension, to be appended by the caller. ''' for cls in class_.mro(): module = cls.__module__ name = cls.__name__ yield f'{module}.{name}.{view_type}' yield f'{name}.{view_type}' yield f'{name}' if not include_mro: break
[docs]def remove_duplicate_items(list_): 'Return a de-duplicated list/tuple of items in `list_`, retaining order' cls = type(list_) return cls(sorted(set(list_), key=list_.index))
[docs]def is_standard_template(template): """ Is the template a core one provided with typhos? Parameters ---------- template : str or pathlib.Path """ common_path = pathlib.Path(os.path.commonpath((template, ui_core_dir))) return common_path == ui_core_dir
[docs]def find_templates_for_class(cls, view_type, paths, *, extensions=None, include_mro=True): ''' Given a class `cls` and a view type (such as 'detailed'), search `paths` for potential templates to show. Parameters ---------- cls : class Search for templates with this class name view_type : {'detailed', 'engineering', 'embedded'} The view type paths : iterable Iterable of paths to be expanded, de-duplicated, and searched extensions : str or list, optional The template filename extension (default is ``'.ui'`` or ``'.py'``) include_mro : bool, optional Include superclasses - those in the MRO - of ``cls`` as well Yields ------ path : pathlib.Path A matching path, ordered from most-to-least specific. ''' if not inspect.isclass(cls): cls = type(cls) if not extensions: extensions = ['.py', '.ui'] elif isinstance(extensions, str): extensions = [extensions] from .cache import _CachedPath paths = remove_duplicate_items( [_CachedPath.from_path(p) for p in paths] ) for candidate_filename in _get_template_filenames_for_class( cls, view_type, include_mro=include_mro): for extension in extensions: for path in paths: for match in path.glob(candidate_filename + extension): if match.is_file(): yield match
[docs]def find_file_in_paths(filename, *, paths=None): ''' Search for filename ``filename`` in the list of paths ``paths`` Parameters ---------- filename : str or pathlib.Path The filename paths : list or iterable, optional List of paths to search. Defaults to DISPLAY_PATHS. Yields ------ All filenames that match in the given paths ''' if paths is None: paths = DISPLAY_PATHS if isinstance(filename, pathlib.Path): if filename.is_absolute(): if filename.exists(): yield filename return filename = from .cache import _CachedPath paths = remove_duplicate_items( [_CachedPath.from_path(p) for p in paths] ) for path in paths: for match in path.glob(filename): if match.is_file(): yield match
[docs]def get_device_from_fake_class(cls): """ Return the non-fake class, given a fake class That is:: fake_cls = ophyd.sim.make_fake_device(cls) get_device_from_fake_class(fake_cls) # -> cls Parameters ---------- cls : type The fake class """ bases = cls.__bases__ if not bases or len(bases) != 1: raise ValueError('Not a fake class based on inheritance') actual_class, = bases if actual_class not in ophyd.sim.fake_device_cache: raise ValueError('Not a fake class (ophyd.sim does not know about it)') return actual_class
[docs]def is_fake_device_class(cls): """ Is ``cls`` a fake device from :func:`ophyd.sim.make_fake_device`? """ try: get_device_from_fake_class(cls) except ValueError: return False return True
[docs]def code_from_device_repr(device): """ Return code to create a device from its ``repr`` information. Parameters ---------- device : ophyd.Device """ try: module = device.__module__ except AttributeError: raise ValueError('Device class must be in a module') from None class_name = device.__class__.__name__ if module == '__main__': raise ValueError('Device class must be in a module') cls = device.__class__ is_fake = is_fake_device_class(cls) full_class_name = f'{module}.{class_name}' kwargs = '\n '.join(f'{k}={v!r},' for k, v in device._repr_info()) logger.debug('%r fully qualified Device class: %r',, full_class_name) if is_fake: actual_class = get_device_from_fake_class(cls) actual_name = f'{actual_class.__module__}.{actual_class.__name__}' logger.debug('%r fully qualified Device class is fake, based on: %r',, actual_class) return f'''\ import ophyd.sim import pcdsutils {actual_class.__name__} = pcdsutils.utils.import_helper({actual_name!r}) {class_name} = ophyd.sim.make_fake_device({actual_class.__name__}) {} = {class_name}( {kwargs} ) ophyd.sim.clear_fake_device({}) ''' return f'''\ import pcdsutils {class_name} = pcdsutils.utils.import_helper({full_class_name!r}) {} = {class_name}( {kwargs} ) '''
[docs]def code_from_device(device): """ Generate code required to load ``device`` in another process """ is_fake = is_fake_device_class(device.__class__) if happi is None or not hasattr(device, 'md') or is_fake: return code_from_device_repr(device) happi_name = return f'''\ import happi from happi.loader import from_container client = happi.Client.from_config() md = client.find_device(name="{happi_name}") {} = from_container(md) '''
[docs]@contextlib.contextmanager def subscription_context(*objects, callback, event_type=None, run=True): ''' [Context manager] Subscribe to a specific event from all objects Unsubscribes all signals before exiting Parameters ---------- *objects : ophyd.OphydObj Ophyd objects (signals) to monitor callback : callable Callback to run, with same signature as that of :meth:`ophyd.OphydObj.subscribe`. event_type : str, optional The event type to subscribe to run : bool, optional Run the previously cached subscription immediately ''' obj_to_cid = {} try: for obj in objects: try: obj_to_cid[obj] = obj.subscribe(callback, event_type=event_type, run=run) except Exception: logger.exception('Failed to subscribe to object %s', yield dict(obj_to_cid) finally: for obj, cid in obj_to_cid.items(): try: obj.unsubscribe(cid) except KeyError: # It's possible that when the object is being torn down, or # destroyed that this has already been done. ...
[docs]def get_all_signals_from_device(device, include_lazy=False, filter_by=None): ''' Get all signals in a given device Parameters ---------- device : ophyd.Device ophyd Device to monitor include_lazy : bool, optional Include lazy signals as well filter_by : callable, optional Filter signals, with signature ``callable(ophyd.Device.ComponentWalk)`` ''' if not filter_by: def filter_by(walk): return True def _get_signals(): return [ walk.item for walk in device.walk_signals(include_lazy=include_lazy) if filter_by(walk) ] if not include_lazy: return _get_signals() with no_device_lazy_load(): return _get_signals()
[docs]@contextlib.contextmanager def subscription_context_device(device, callback, event_type=None, run=True, *, include_lazy=False, filter_by=None): ''' [Context manager] Subscribe to ``event_type`` from signals in ``device`` Unsubscribes all signals before exiting Parameters ---------- device : ophyd.Device ophyd Device to monitor callback : callable Callback to run, with same signature as that of :meth:`ophyd.OphydObj.subscribe` event_type : str, optional The event type to subscribe to run : bool, optional Run the previously cached subscription immediately include_lazy : bool, optional Include lazy signals as well filter_by : callable, optional Filter signals, with signature ``callable(ophyd.Device.ComponentWalk)`` ''' signals = get_all_signals_from_device(device, include_lazy=include_lazy) with subscription_context(*signals, callback=callback, event_type=event_type, run=run) as obj_to_cid: yield obj_to_cid
class _ConnectionStatus: def __init__(self, callback): self.connected = set() self.callback = callback self.lock = threading.Lock() # NOTE: this will be set externally self.obj_to_cid = {} self.objects = set() def clear(self): for obj in list(self.objects): self.remove_object(obj) def _run_callback_hack_on_object(self, obj): ''' HACK: peek into ophyd objects to see if they're connected but have never run metadata callbacks This is part of an ongoing ophyd issue and may be removed in the future. ''' if obj not in self.objects: return if obj.connected and obj._args_cache.get('meta') is None: md = dict(obj.metadata) if 'connected' not in md: md['connected'] = True self._connection_callback(obj=obj, **md) def add_object(self, obj): 'Add an additional object to be monitored' with self.lock: if obj in self.objects: return self.objects.add(obj) try: self.obj_to_cid[obj] = obj.subscribe( self._connection_callback, event_type='meta', run=True) except Exception: logger.exception('Failed to subscribe to object: %s', self.objects.remove(obj) else: self._run_callback_hack_on_object(obj) def remove_object(self, obj): 'Remove an object from being monitored - no more callbacks' with self.lock: if obj in self.connected: self.connected.remove(obj) self.objects.remove(obj) cid = self.obj_to_cid.pop(obj) try: obj.unsubscribe(cid) except KeyError: # It's possible that when the object is being torn down, or # destroyed that this has already been done. ... def _connection_callback(self, *, obj, connected, **kwargs): with self.lock: if obj not in self.objects: # May have been removed return if connected and obj not in self.connected: self.connected.add(obj) elif not connected and obj in self.connected: self.connected.remove(obj) else: return logger.debug('Connection update: %r (obj=%s connected=%s kwargs=%r)', self,, connected, kwargs) self.callback(obj=obj, connected=connected, **kwargs) def __repr__(self): return ( f'<{self.__class__.__name__} connected={len(self.connected)} ' f'objects={len(self.objects)}>' )
[docs]@contextlib.contextmanager def connection_status_monitor(*signals, callback): ''' [Context manager] Monitor connection status from a number of signals Filters out any other metadata updates, only calling once connected/disconnected Parameters ---------- *signals : ophyd.OphydObj Signals to monitor callback : callable Callback to run, with same signature as that of :meth:`ophyd.OphydObj.subscribe`. ``obj`` and ``connected`` are guaranteed kwargs. ''' status = _ConnectionStatus(callback) with subscription_context(*signals, callback=status._connection_callback, event_type='meta', run=True ) as status.obj_to_cid: for sig in signals: status._run_callback_hack_on_object(sig) yield status
[docs]class DeviceConnectionMonitorThread(QtCore.QThread): ''' Monitor connection status in a background thread Parameters ---------- device : ophyd.Device The device to grab signals from include_lazy : bool, optional Include lazy signals as well Attributes ---------- connection_update : QtCore.Signal Connection update signal with signature:: (signal, connected, metadata_dict) ''' connection_update = QtCore.Signal(object, bool, dict) def __init__(self, device, include_lazy=False, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.device = device self.include_lazy = include_lazy self._update_event = threading.Event() def callback(self, obj, connected, **kwargs): self._update_event.set() self.connection_update.emit(obj, connected, kwargs)
[docs] def run(self): signals = get_all_signals_from_device( self.device, include_lazy=self.include_lazy) with connection_status_monitor(*signals, callback=self.callback): while not self.isInterruptionRequested(): self._update_event.clear() self._update_event.wait(timeout=0.5)
[docs]class ObjectConnectionMonitorThread(QtCore.QThread): ''' Monitor connection status in a background thread Attributes ---------- connection_update : QtCore.Signal Connection update signal with signature:: (signal, connected, metadata_dict) ''' connection_update = QtCore.Signal(object, bool, dict) def __init__(self, objects=None, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self._init_objects = list(objects or []) self.status = None self.lock = threading.Lock() self._update_event = threading.Event() def clear(self): if self.status: self.status.clear() def add_object(self, obj): with self.lock: # If the thread hasn't started yet, add it to the list if self.status is None: self._init_objects.append(obj) return self.status.add_object(obj) def remove_object(self, obj): with self.lock: # If the thread hasn't started yet, remove it prior to monitoring if self.status is None: self._init_objects.remove(obj) return self.status.remove_object(obj) def callback(self, obj, connected, **kwargs): self._update_event.set() self.connection_update.emit(obj, connected, kwargs)
[docs] def run(self): self.lock.acquire() try: with connection_status_monitor( *self._init_objects, callback=self.callback) as self.status: self._init_objects.clear() self.lock.release() while not self.isInterruptionRequested(): self._update_event.clear() self._update_event.wait(timeout=0.5) finally: if self.lock.locked(): self.lock.release()
[docs]class ThreadPoolWorker(QtCore.QRunnable): ''' Worker thread helper Parameters ---------- func : callable The function to call during :meth:`.run` *args Arguments for the function call **kwargs Keyword rarguments for the function call ''' def __init__(self, func, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__() self.func = func self.args = args self.kwargs = kwargs
[docs] @QtCore.Slot() def run(self): try: self.func(*self.args, **self.kwargs) except Exception: logger.exception('Failed to run %s(*%s, **%r) in thread pool', self.func, self.args, self.kwargs)
def _get_top_level_components(device_cls): """Get all top-level components from a device class.""" return list(device_cls._sig_attrs.items())
[docs]def find_parent_with_class(widget, cls=QWidget): """ Finds the first parent of a widget that is an instance of ``klass`` Parameters ---------- widget : QWidget The widget from which to start the search cls : type, optional The class which the parent must be an instance of """ parent = widget while parent is not None: if isinstance(parent, cls): return parent parent = parent.parent() return None
[docs]def dump_grid_layout(layout, rows=None, cols=None, *, cell_width=60): """ Dump the layout of a :class:`QtWidgets.QGridLayout` to ``file``. Parameters ---------- layout : QtWidgets.QGridLayout The layout rows : int Number of rows to iterate over cols : int Number of columns to iterate over Returns ------- table : str The text for the summary table """ rows = rows or layout.rowCount() cols = cols or layout.columnCount() separator = '-' * ((cell_width + 4) * cols) cell = ' {:<%ds}' % cell_width def get_text(item): if not item: return '' entry = item.widget() or item.layout() visible = entry is None or entry.isVisible() if isinstance(entry, QtWidgets.QLabel): entry = f'<QLabel {entry.text()!r}>' if not visible: entry = f'(invis) {entry}' return entry with io.StringIO() as file: print(separator, file=file) for row in range(rows): print('|', end='', file=file) for col in range(cols): item = get_text(layout.itemAtPosition(row, col)) print(cell.format(str(item)), end=' |', file=file) print(file=file) print(separator, file=file) return file.getvalue()
[docs]@contextlib.contextmanager def nullcontext(): """Stand-in for py3.7's contextlib.nullcontext""" yield
[docs]def get_component(obj): """ Get the component that made the given object. Parameters ---------- obj : ophyd.OphydItem The ophyd item for which to get the component. Returns ------- component : ophyd.Component The component, if available. """ if obj.parent is None: return None return getattr(type(obj.parent), obj.attr_name, None)
[docs]def get_variety_metadata(cpt): """ Get "variety" metadata from a component or signal. Parameters ---------- cpt : ophyd.Component or ophyd.OphydItem The component / ophyd item to get the metadata for. Returns ------- metadata : dict The metadata, if set. Otherwise an empty dictionary. This metadata is guaranteed to be valid according to the known schemas. """ if not isinstance(cpt, ophyd.Component): cpt = get_component(cpt) return getattr(cpt, '_variety_metadata', {})
[docs]def widget_to_image(widget, fill_color=QtCore.Qt.transparent): """ Paint the given widget in a new QtGui.QImage. Returns ------- QtGui.QImage The display, as an image. """ image = QtGui.QImage(widget.width(), widget.height(), QtGui.QImage.Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied) image.fill(fill_color) pixmap = QtGui.QPixmap(image) painter = QtGui.QPainter(pixmap) widget.render(image) painter.end() return image
_connect_slots_unpatched = None
[docs]def patch_connect_slots(): """ Patches QtCore.QMetaObject.connectSlotsByName to catch SystemErrors. """ global _connect_slots_unpatched if _connect_slots_unpatched is not None: return # TODO there could be a version check here if we can isolate it _connect_slots_unpatched = QtCore.QMetaObject.connectSlotsByName def connect_slots_patch(top_level_widget): try: return _connect_slots_unpatched(top_level_widget) except SystemError as ex: logger.debug( "Eating system error. This may possibly be solved by either " "downgrading Python or upgrading pyqt5 to >= 5.13.1. " "For further discussion, see " "", exc_info=ex ) QtCore.QMetaObject.connectSlotsByName = connect_slots_patch
[docs]def linked_attribute(property_attr, widget_attr, hide_unavailable=False): """ Decorator which connects a device signal with a widget. Retrieves the signal from the device, registers it with PyDM, and sets the widget channel. Parameters ---------- property_attr : str This is one level of indirection, allowing for the component attribute to be configurable by way of designable properties. In short, this looks like: ``getattr(self.device, getattr(self, property_attr))`` The component attribute name may include multiple levels (e.g., ``'cpt1.cpt2.low_limit'``). widget_attr : str The attribute name of the widget, referenced from ``self``. The component attribute name may include multiple levels (e.g., ``'ui.low_limit'``). hide_unavailable : bool Whether or not to hide widgets for which the device signal is not available """ get_widget_attr = operator.attrgetter(widget_attr) def wrapper(func): @functools.wraps(func) def wrapped(self): widget = get_widget_attr(self) device_attr = getattr(self, property_attr) get_device_attr = operator.attrgetter(device_attr) try: signal = get_device_attr(self.device) except AttributeError: signal = None else: # Fall short of an `isinstance(signal, OphydObj) check here: try: link_signal_to_widget(signal, widget) except Exception: logger.exception( 'device.%s => self.%s (signal: %s widget: %s)', device_attr, widget_attr, signal, widget) signal = None else: logger.debug('device.%s => self.%s (signal=%s widget=%s)', device_attr, widget_attr, signal, widget) if signal is None and hide_unavailable: widget.setVisible(False) return func(self, signal, widget) return wrapped return wrapper