
nabs.plans.duration_scan(detectors, *args, duration=0, per_step=None, md=None)[source]

Generalized version of the delay_scan movement pattern.

This is a bluesky plan that moves motors among points for a fixed duration of time, rather than through a finite number of points.

For each motor, a list of points must be provided. Each motor will be moved through its list of points simultaneously if multiple motors are provided.

This will take a reading at every scan step by default via bluesky.plan_stubs.trigger_and_read.

At the end of the scan, the motors will be returned to their original positions.

  • detectors (list of readables) – Objects to read into Python in the scan.

  • *args

    For one dimension, motor, [point1, point2, ....]. In general:

    motor1, [point1, point2, ...],
    motor2, [point1, point2, ...],
    motorN, [point1, point2, ...]

    Motors can be any ‘settable’ object (motor, temp controller, etc.)

  • duration (float) – The time to run in seconds.

  • per_step (plan, optional) – An alternate plan to run for every scan point. Defaults to bluesky.plan_stubs.one_nd_step.

  • md (dict, optional) – Additional metadata to include in the bluesky start document.