
pcdsdevices.analog_signals.acromag_ch_factory_func(prefix, channel, *, signal_class=None, name=None, **kwargs)

This is a factory function for creating an Acromag output or input signal.

  • prefix (str) – The base EPICS PV for the Acromag. E.g.: XPP:USR:ai1

  • channel (int or str) – The channel number. E.g.: 1 [0-15]

  • signal_class (str, optional) – Signal Class to use. E.g.: EpicsSignalRO, EpicsSignal. If None provided, it will use the prefix to try to generate the appropriate signal class.

  • name (str, optional) – A name to refer to the Acromag Channel, if None it will use the prefix and channel to generate a name. E.g.: ai_1 or ao_1.