Source code for typhos.plugins.happi

import logging

from happi import Client
from happi.errors import SearchError
from happi.loader import from_container
from pydm.data_plugins.plugin import PyDMConnection, PyDMPlugin
from qtpy import QtCore

class HappiClientState:
    client = None

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] def register_client(client): """ Register a Happi Client to be used with the DataPlugin. This is not required to be called by the user, if your environment is setup such that :meth:`happi.Client.from_config` will return the desired client. """ HappiClientState.client = client
[docs] class HappiConnection(PyDMConnection): """A PyDMConnection to the Happi Database.""" tx = QtCore.Signal(dict) def __init__(self, channel, address, protocol=None, parent=None): super().__init__(channel, address, protocol=protocol, parent=parent) self.add_listener(channel)
[docs] def add_listener(self, channel): """Add a new channel to the existing connection.""" super().add_listener(channel) # Connect our channel to the signal self.tx.connect(channel.tx_slot, QtCore.Qt.QueuedConnection) logger.debug("Loading %r from happi Client", channel) if '.' in self.address: device, child = self.address.split('.', 1) else: device, child = self.address, None # Load the device from the Client md = HappiClientState.client.find_item(name=device) obj = from_container(md) md = # If we have a child grab it if child: logger.debug("Retrieving child %r from %r", child, obj = getattr(obj, child) md = {'name':} # Send the device and metdata to all of our subscribers self.tx.emit({'obj': obj, 'md': md})
[docs] def remove_listener(self, channel, destroying=False, **kwargs): """Remove a channel from the database connection.""" super().remove_listener(channel, destroying=destroying, **kwargs) if not destroying: self.tx.disconnect(channel.tx_slot)
[docs] class HappiPlugin(PyDMPlugin): protocol = 'happi' connection_class = HappiConnection def add_connection(self, channel): # If we haven't made a Client by the time we need the Plugin. Try # and load one from configuration file if not HappiClientState.client: register_client(Client.from_config()) try: super().add_connection(channel) except SearchError: logger.error("Unable to find device for %r in happi database.", channel) except AttributeError as exc: logger.exception("Invalid attribute %r for address %r", exc, channel.address) except Exception: logger.exception("Unable to load %r from happi", channel.address)